Price for Fragrance of Food! Beggar and Shop Owner Story

Price for Fragrance of Food! Beggar and Shop Owner StoryA beggar was sitting on road, asking for something to eat. A man who was passing by, saw him and gave him some chapatti (bread).

There was shop at a distance, where fresh food was being prepared.

Shop owner saw that beggar was sitting holding out his chapatti in his hands and eating them, near place where vegetables were being prepared.

When owner saw that he got angry again and asked him, “What are you doing?”

Beggar replied, “I am eating my food by imagining the taste of vegetables from it’s fragrance.”

Owner said, “You have to pay for it.”

In frightened voice, beggar said, “But i didn’t take anything.”

Dispute got bigger and was taken to the village chief.

Chief listened to whole story and said to shop owner, “I will pay for fragrance of your vegetables.”

After this chief took out a bag of coins from his pocket and shake it for a bit and then put it back in his pocket.

Shop owner was surprised to see this.

He asked to chief, “Where is the payment?”

Chief said, “I just paid to you in full.”

Shop owner asked, “But.. I didn’t got anything.”

Chief replied, “Fragrance of your vegetable was taken by this beggar… That’s why i paid you with the clicking sound of coins.”

Hearing chief answer, owner walked away from there.

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Search Keywords: Price for Fragrance of Food! Beggar and Shop Owner Story, Short Story for Kids, Tit for Tat Stories, Think Wisely Story

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