Difference in Farmers Thinking and Their Wish to God

Long ago, in a village, lived two farmers who were poor. Both used to live with their family and had little piece of land, on which they used to work and earn their living. Suddenly, both died at same time, on same day. Yamraj (God of Death) took them both in front of God. God … Read more

Little Bird End Time – Garuda and Yama God Story

Little Bird End Time - Garuda and Yama God Story

Once Lord Vishnu’s Garuda was at Kailash. There he noticed a small bird, at same time Yama Dev (God of Death) arrived at Kailash and looked at bird with surprise. Seeing this, Garuda understood that that bird’s end was near. He felt pity and to save that bird from Yama dev, he picked up that … Read more

Needles of Clock – Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Needles of Clock - Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Ramu was fast asleep in his small room. Only ticking sound of clock was echoing in the quiet atmosphere of room. There was a clock kept on table. As soon as big needle of clock met the small needle, it said, “Hey, how are you small needle?” Small needle replied, “I am tired of walking. … Read more

Buying a Packet of Salt – Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Buying a Packet of Salt - Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Ramu was famous in entire village for his honesty and good nature. Once he invited some of his friends for dinner. His friends came early to help him to make food. While doing preparation, Ramu realized that there was no salt left to cook food. So, he called his son and giving him money, he … Read more

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

An old woman used to sell oranges on road side. A young man used to buy oranges from her. Whenever, young man bought oranges, he would pick one orange from oranges he bought, taste a piece of it and would say to old woman, “It doesn’t taste sweet..” Saying this, he would give that orange … Read more

Rich Man Offering to Saint – Heart Warming Story

Rich Man Offering to Saint - Heart Warming Story

Once in a village, lived a saint in his ashram with his disciples. Many people used to come to him to listen to his satsang. Once a Rich man went to Saint and said, “Guru ji, Please accept my service. Here are thousand gold coins, may they all be of use to you.” As soon … Read more

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow? Disciple Question to His Guru

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow Disciple Question to His Guru

Once a disciple went to his Guru and said, “Please tell me some solution to get rid of sorrow.” The disciple had asked a big question in few words – Living in a world of sorrows but also finding a way to get rid of it! Guru said, “I will answer you but before that … Read more

Deceit of the Mind – Cat and Lamp Story

Deceit of the Mind - Cat and Lamp Story

A saint had kept a cat. During the evening Satsang, saint would light lamp and place it on cat’s forehead to dispel darkness of night. That cat was stay still for whole time and it would not let that lamp fall from her head. People who used to come to Satsang, used to get surprised … Read more

Young Man Idea to Load Sack – Accepting Help from Others

Young Man Idea to Load Sack - Accepting Help from Others

Farmer (middle age man) was trying to load a sack of grains on his bullock cart. But sack was so heavy that he was not able to load it on cart. Just then a young man was passing by. Young man saw him struggling and went to him and said, “I know a easier way..” … Read more

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