Tribe and Researcher Story – Afraid of Change

Tribe and Researcher Story - Afraid of Change

Once a scientific researcher came to know about a tribe which lived in deep forest and consisted of only 300 people but all blind. So, he went to forest and lived with tribe to understand them. He realized that they had no idea that they were blind as they had not known anybody with eyes, … Read more

Why do We Offer Food to God? Saint Answer

Why do We Offer Food to God - Saint Answer

Once a person asked Jagat Guru Shankaracharya, “Why do we offer food to God? Does God eat from whatever we offer? Does any change occur to food after we offer it to God? Is there any change in color, taste or quantity of food we offer?” If not, why do we do this? Isn’t this … Read more

Sufi Saint and King Offer to Man – Value Your Life

Sufi Saint and King Offer to Man - Value Your Life

Once a Sufi saint was sitting on the river bank, there he saw a young man by river side who was about to jump into river. Seeing this saint asked, “What are you doing?” Man replied, “Don’t stop me. It’s too much! Everything is meaningless in this life. I have never got anything i wanted. … Read more

Nurse and Patient Conversation – Positive Thinking

Nurse and Patient Conversation - Positive Thinking

A nurse entered patient’s room two hours before his operation. She fixed vase and while working, suddenly asked patient, “Sir, which doctor is doing your operation?” Patient replied, “Dr.Jason.” Hearing doctor’s name, leaving her work, nurse rushed to patient and with surprised look on her face she asked, “Sir, really? Has Dr.Jason really accepted your … Read more

King and his Dream – Ill Effect of Fear and Panic

King and his Dream - Ill Effect of Fear and Panic

It’s a very old story. Once in a kingdom pandemic was coming. So before coming, it came in King’s dream and said, “I am coming and 500 people will be killed in this epidemic.” In morning, King called his ministers and decided to make announcement about it in his whole kingdom. Soon, announcements were made … Read more

Justice of Nature – Taking Advantage of Pandemic!

Justice of Nature - Taking Advantage of Pandemic!

An incident during Kutch earthquake. Police was doing relief work of removing debris to look for any survivor buried under that debris and get them out. they were also taking out bodies of dead from debris. An old man was sitting outside the debris of a very big house. Police came, they found body of … Read more

Four Heaps of Sand – Little Boy and King Story

Four Heaps of Sand - Little Boy and King Story

There was a King, who had no son. He tried for long time but still he had no child. One day, King’s advisor went to a Tantrik (Occultist) to seek help. Tantrik gave suggestion that if a boy is sacrificed then a boy will be born to king and queen. An announcement was made in … Read more

Jungle School Result – Kids Ability Test

Jungle School Result - School Curriculum and Kids Ability Test

One day, King of Forest, Lion declared that no one in forest will remain illiterate from now on wards. Every animal must send it’s child to school. King opened a school, it became a reputed school. Children of different animals like elephant, lion, monkey, fish, rabbit, turtle, camel and many more started coming to school. … Read more

Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story – Be Helpful

Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story - Be Helpful

It was freezing! Temperature was 0 degree!! During patrolling, a contingent of soldiers were passing through mountainous path, their commander was also with them. Way became difficult and dark. Soldiers started to feel tired and difficult to continue walking down that path. Just a little ahead, they saw a tea shop but when they reached … Read more

Gold Coins Division – Different Perspective

Gold Coin Division - Our Perspective vs God's Deep Meaning

Once two men were talking sitting near a temple. After sometime a man came there, sat with them and started talking. Few minutes later that man said, “I am feeling hungry.” Listening to this two men also started feeling hungry. First man said that he have 3 chapatti and second man said he have 5 … Read more