Man and His Two Son Problem – Spending Money

Man and His Two Son Problem - Spending Money

A man had two sons. Nature of both sons was opposite to each other. One was very stingy about spending money and other used to overspend. Father was upset because of both. He told them many times to spend money in moderation but still they couldn’t understand. One day man came to know that a … Read more

Burning House and It’s Owner – Cause of Sorrow

Burning House and It's Owner - Cause of Sorrow

In a city, there was luxurious house which was considered most beautiful house in that city. Whenever people see it, they couldn’t leave without praising. Owner was very proud of his house. Once owner of house went out of city for few days for work. When he returned he was surprised to see some smoke … Read more

Rich Man Bad Habit and His Servant Story

Rich Man Bad Habit and His Servant Cucumber Story

Once in a village lived a rich man who had a bad habit of cursing God whenever something bad happened to him. He had a servant working for him. Rich man was happy with his servant work and treated him good. One day, when rich man was eating a cucumber, incidentally it tasted bitter. So … Read more

Guru and Disciple Story – Respecting One’s Feelings

Guru and Disciple Story - Respecting One's Feelings

Once during a summer, a disciple was going to his village after taking a week-long leave from his guru. He was to walk all the way back to his home. After walking for half day, he felt thirsty and started looking for source of water around him. Soon he found a well and drew water … Read more

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

One day an elderly postman knocked on door of a house and said, “Take the letter..” As soon as he said this, a little girl’s voice echoed from inside, “I am coming now.. please wait.” But even after 5 minutes no one came. Postman again said, “Is there anyone tho take your letter? I have … Read more

King Who Loved Only Money – When One Dies!

King Who Loved Only Money - When One Dies!

Once there was King who was very cruel and has collected a lot of wealth by wrong means and imposing unnecessary taxes on his people. King had hidden his treasure in a cave which was deep inside forest, in a secluded place. At the entry of cave there was a lock system. Only King and … Read more

Eagle Sitting on Branch – Story about Comfort

Eagle Sitting on Branch - Story about Comfort Zone

A long time ago, someone presented two children of an eagle, as a gift to a King. They were of very good breed, King had never seen such magnificent eagles before. King appointed an experienced man to look after them. After few months passed, King wanted to see them and reached place, where they were … Read more

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

Once upon a time, a Guru and his disciple were passing through a village. Both were very hungry. They saw a house near by and knocked on the door. A man dressed in torn clothes came out. Guru said to him, “We are very hungry. Can we have something to eat?” Man welcomed them in … Read more

Why One Should Keep Doing Good! (Must Read)

Why One Should Keep Doing Good

Many time in life we see that good people have to suffer and evil people get awarded. This story May help one to understand this a little. Narad Ji always used to roam around. One day he saw that a cow was trapped in a swamp in the forest. Cow tried a lot but couldn’t … Read more

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond – Buddha’s Help

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond - Buddha's Help

A King had many elephants. One of them was very powerful, obedient and skilled in fighting. He went with King in many wars and was King’s favorite. As time passed, elephant got old and King cared for him and would not take him to war with him anymore. One day, elephant went to near by … Read more