Sadhu and Young Man Story – Mantra of Success

Sadhu and Young Man Story - Mantra of Success

A Sadhu used to sit at side of river bank. He would sit there whole day, muttering and shouting in loud voice from time to time, “You will get, whatever you want.” People passing by would think of him as insane. They would listen to him and laugh at him. One day an unemployed youth … Read more

Rich Man Search for Qualified Man (Must Read)

Rich Man Search for Qualified Man for Temple Admin

Once in a village, a rich man built a grand temple at center of village. When temple was ready, many visitors started reaching the temple to worship. Seeing the grandeur of temple, people would praise it for beauty. With time, temple became popular. People from far and wide started reaching temple to worship and would … Read more

Three Knots in Rope – Buddha’s Teaching

Three Knots in Rope - Buddha's Teaching

One morning when disciples and people were waiting for Buddha for discourse, they were amazed to see that he had bought something with him. On closer look they saw that he had bought a rope in his hand. Buddha took seat and without saying anything to anyone, he started tying knots in the rope. After … Read more

Only Tailor Shop in Village – Jealousy and Anger

Only Tailor Shop in Village - Jealousy and Anger

Once in a village lived a tailor named Suresh who was only tailor of village, all the people of the village used to come to him to get their clothes stitched. He used to earn a lot. Suresh knew that villagers had no option but to come to him for clothes and became arrogant. If … Read more

Last Seven Days of Life – Saint Teaching to Disciple

Last Seven Days of Life - Saint Teaching to Disciple

Once upon a time in an ashram, Saint was giving discourse to his disciples, just then a man entered ashram and started abusing Saint. Saint didn’t said anything to that man. After a while that man left. A disciple who was present there saw this and got angry. He wondered why Saint didn’t respond to … Read more

Question about God – Saint and Disciple Story

Question about God - Saint and Disciple Story

Once a Saint was giving a discourse of knowledge and devotion to his disciples. A disciple sitting in the audience, stood up and asked, “We are told that God is present everywhere but if it is so then why is he never visible to us. How can we believe that he is really around us? … Read more

Frog and Rabbit Story – Never Give Up

Frog and Rabbit Aesop Fable - Never Give Up

Once some wild dogs were chasing a herd of rabbits. All rabbits were running to save their lives. Somehow, they could avoid becoming victim of wild dogs and hid behind a dry bush. Everyone was weary because of all the running and being scared of losing their life. After wild dogs left, rabbits took a … Read more

Trees and Lions in Forest – Old Tree Advice

Trees and Lions in Forest - Old Tree Advice

Once there was green forest on the edge of a village. In forest there were two young trees who grew next to each other and were close. Many lions lived in that forest. They would hunt other animals and eat them till they were full and would leave remains of those animals near those trees. … Read more

Story of Spider’s Web – Listening to Others Opinions

Story of Spider's Web - Listening to Others Opinions

A spider was looking for a suitable place to make its web. He wanted his web to be in such a place where a lot of insects and files would come and get trapped in his web. In this way he wanted to spend his life eating, drinking and relaxing with pleasure. Soon, he found … Read more