Who is More ill-omened – Minister Question to King

Who is More ill-omened Minister Question to King

Long ago, in a kingdom lived a man who was famous for being ill-omened (unlucky). At last people complained to King about that man. King didn’t believed this belief of people and decided to investigate himself. So, he sent his soldiers to bring that man to palace and made arrangement for him to stay. Next … Read more

Message on Pole – Way to Help Old Woman

Message on Pole - Way to Help Old Woman

On the way, man saw a paper with handwritten message stuck on electric pole. Man went closer and started reading… “Yesterday my fifty rupee note fell on this road. I can’t see properly and was not able to find it, whoever finds it please deliver it..!!” was written on it and under it was written … Read more

Seven Pots of Gold – Yaksha Offer to Barber

Seven Pots of Gold - Yaksha Offer to Barber

A barber lived in a village with his wife and children. Barber was honest and satisfied with his earnings. He had no greed. His wife managed her household very efficiently with income earned by her husband. Overall, their life was going with great ease and joy. Barber was skilled in his work. One day, King … Read more

Customer at Breakfast Shop – Owner Thinking

Breakfast Shop Owner Thinking - Heart Warming Story

There was breakfast shop near stadium. Many people would go there for breakfast. Once a customer who used to go there, noticed that a person came in when it was crowded and taking advantage of crowd, after having dinner, he left secretly without paying. Next day as person was eating, that customer secretly told owner … Read more

What is importance of Satsang – Saint Disciple Story

What is importance of Satsang - Saint Disciple Story

A saint used to teach Bhagavad Geeta to his disciples everyday, all disciples were happy with it but a disciple looked worried. One day, he went to saint and said, “What is importance of Satsang (spiritual teaching)?” After listening to this question, saint said, “Bring me basket which is used for carrying coal.” Disciple did … Read more

Painting at Crossroads – Pointing Others Mistakes

Painting at Crossroads - Pointing Others Mistakes

A famous painter lived in a city. Thousands of people used to come to see his painting exhibition in the country and would not get tired of praising his work. Once he thought that what if people praise him only on his face and find fault in his work behind his back. Thinking this, he … Read more

Is there a Person who is Great but Not Famous?

Is there a Person who is Great but Not Famous - King and Scholar

One day, King came to meet a scholar and asked, “Is there such a person in this world who is great but people of world don’t know about him?” Scholar smiled and politely replied to King, “We do know most of great people of the world. There are many people in the world who are … Read more

Bundles on Tree – God and Man Story (Must Read)

Bundles on Tree - God and Man Story (Must Read)

Once upon a time, a sad devotee was complaining to God, “You don’t take care of me. I am such a big devotee of you, i serve you day and night. Still why do i have to suffer the most in my life? There are so many problems. Till i finish dealing with one, another … Read more

Sincere Prayer – Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

Sincere Prayer - Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

When Saint Ramdas prayed, his lips never moved. One of his disciple noticed it and got curious. So, one day his disciple went to him and asked, “When we pray, lips move. Your lips don’t move. You stand like a stone idol. Usually, if you say something internally, even then there is a slight vibration … Read more