Old Man And Scorpion Story – God’s Ways

Old Man And Scorpion Story - God's Ways

Once an old man was walking by bank of the river. There he saw that a tortoise came out from the river on edge of river bank. When tortoise stopped at edge of river bank, a scorpion who was sitting at edge, jumped on its back. Old man saw that, after scorpion sat on tortoise … Read more

Seth Answer to Mahatma’s Question (Must Read)

Seth Answer to Mahatma's Question (Must Read)

Once in a city lived a Seth (Rich man) who was pious. Whenever any Mahatma or Sadhu visited his city, he would invite them to his house and serve them. One day, a Mahatma came to Seth’s house. Seth and Sethani (Rich man wife) welcomed Mahatma and served him food. After some time, Seth went … Read more

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Once in a village, lived a four friends. Among them three had finest knowledge of scriptures while one friend didn’t had much knowledge of scriptures but was wise. One day they started discussing future. First friend said, “We have acquired so much knowledge and i have heard that King of state have great respect for … Read more

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager!

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager Funny Story

Once an old lady came to biggest bank of city and said that she wanted to deposit some money in the bank. When staff asked how much, old lady replied that she wanted to deposit around 10lakhs but asked to meet bank manager before depositing her money. Manager came cleared her queries. Then while talking … Read more

Young Man Wish to Meet King – Deep Meaning

Young Man Wish to Meet King!

Once son of a poor widow, saw King. Seeing the King, he asked his mother, “Mother will i ever be able to talk to King?” Mother didn’t say anything. One day, boy came to know that a saint had come to their village. So young man went to saint and told him about his wish … Read more

Wise Old Man and Broken Vase Story

Wise Old Man and Broken Vase Story

Once there used to be a king, who was considered eccentric by all because he used to give death penalty to anyone even on smallest mistakes. In the palace of the King, 20 vases were decorated very beautifully and King loved to show this collection to his guests. One day while cleaning, a vase fell … Read more

Divorce Lawyer and Husband Conversation..!

Divorce LawyeAr and Husband Conversation

“How many days will it is take? It been a year now..”, in some angry tone, Mohan spoke to his lawyer. Lawyer replied, “Mr. Mohan, such case take time. You are not even ready to follow my instruction anyway.. or else you and your wife Sudha would have got divorce in a jiffy.” Mohan asked, … Read more

Rickshaw Puller Secret of Happiness!

Rickshaw Puller Secret of Happiness!

Once a rich man was going to office. On the way his car broke down, it was very important for him to reach office at time. So, he looked around and saw a rickshaw under a tree, rickshaw puller was lying down near by, humming songs. Rich man was surprised to see, rickshaw puller sitting … Read more