Free Food Service by Rich Man!!

Free Food Service by Rich Man!! Story about Charity

Once a Seth (Rich man) started a free food service place for the poor. Spirit of charity was less in him but still he did charity because he wanted society to praise him as generous person. He had wholesale business. At end of month, whatever grains were left which were not good to be sold … Read more

Pig’s Provocation! Way to Deal with Wicked Person

Lion Response to Pig's Provocation!

Once lived a lion in a forest who was young, strong and owner of beautiful body. There was no one in forest equal in strength to him. All animals in forest respected him. One day, weather was hot. Lion went out in search of prey, he became troubled by heat. Cool air was blowing near … Read more

Effect of Teaching in Life – Buddha’s Discourse

Effect of Teaching in Life - Buddha Discourse

Buddha used to give discourse to his followers. Not only people from village but many people from far away places would come to listen to his discourse. A person used to come from far away, everyday to listen to discourse given by Buddha. For about a month, he continued to come to listen to discourse. … Read more

Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Once a man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, flow of my thoughts is bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Guru gave him address of another Sadhu and said, “Go and look carefully at his overall life-style. There you will find solution to your problem.” Man went to Sadhu house and told … Read more

Blacksmith and Chain Story – Deep Meaning

Blacksmith and Chain Story - Deep Meaning

In Rome, lived a blacksmith who was famous all over world for his unmatched skills. Whatever he made, was unbreakable. Therefore, goods made in that blacksmith’s shop were respected all over world and were sold in distant market. One time, Rome was attacked and lost the war. Many main dignitaries who were in Rome were … Read more

The Snake and Saw Story – Anger Issues

The Snake and Saw Story - Anger Issues

One day a snake entered a carpenter’s workshop. It was dark in there. When snake moved it collided with something and got slightly injured. Because of this snake got angry and lifted its hood. He tried to bite the thing which had hit him. In this effort he also injured his face. Then not understanding … Read more

Heart of Clay – Young Boy and Monk Story

Heart of Clay - Young Boy and Monk Story

In a village, lived a couple with their son. Their son used to stay irritated all the time and used to get angry over little talks. Everyday, he used to get in quarrel with people in his neighborhood. He didn’t even had any friends. Parents got worried about their son. One day a monk arrived … Read more

Woman Anger Issue and it’s Medicine

Woman Anger Issue and it's Medicine

Once in a village, lived a woman who was short temper by nature. She used to get angry at every little things and say bad things to people around when angry. People living in neighborhood were upset with her and were afraid to even talk to her. Even at her home, this anger had become … Read more

Tailor’s Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Tailor's Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Once in a village, lived a good nature, kind and friendly tailor. All villagers would come to him to get their clothes stitched. One day, an elephant came to tailor’s shop. Seeing him, tailor understood that elephant was hungry, so he fed him banana. From that day on wards, elephant started coming to tailor’s shop … Read more