The Snake and Saw Story - Anger Issues

The Snake and Saw Story – Anger Issues

One day a snake entered a carpenter’s workshop. It was dark in there. When snake moved it collided with something and got slightly injured. Because of this snake got angry and lifted its hood. He tried to bite the thing which had hit him. In this effort he also injured his face. Then not understanding…

Heart of Clay - Young Boy and Monk Story

Heart of Clay – Young Boy and Monk Story

In a village, lived a couple with their son. Their son used to stay irritated all the time and used to get angry over little talks. Everyday, he used to get in quarrel with people in his neighborhood. He didn’t even had any friends. Parents got worried about their son. One day a monk arrived…

Woman Anger Issue and it's Medicine

Woman Anger Issue and it’s Medicine

Once in a village, lived a woman who was short temper by nature. She used to get angry at every little things and say bad things to people around when angry. People living in neighborhood were upset with her and were afraid to even talk to her. Even at her home, this anger had become…

Tailor's Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Tailor’s Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Once in a village, lived a good nature, kind and friendly tailor. All villagers would come to him to get their clothes stitched. One day, an elephant came to tailor’s shop. Seeing him, tailor understood that elephant was hungry, so he fed him banana. From that day on wards, elephant started coming to tailor’s shop…

Rich Man Help to Poor Man at Temple

Rich Man Help to Poor Man at Temple

At 2 o’clock in night, a rich man couldn’t sleep. He kept walking around the house but still was feeling unrest. After a while, he got exhausted and took out his car and went out on streets of city. On way, he saw a temple and thought – If i go to temple for a…

Old Man And Scorpion Story - God's Ways

Old Man And Scorpion Story – God’s Ways

Once an old man was walking by bank of the river. There he saw that a tortoise came out from the river on edge of river bank. When tortoise stopped at edge of river bank, a scorpion who was sitting at edge, jumped on its back. Old man saw that, after scorpion sat on tortoise…

Seth Answer to Mahatma's Question (Must Read)

Seth Answer to Mahatma’s Question (Must Read)

Once in a city lived a Seth (Rich man) who was pious. Whenever any Mahatma or Sadhu visited his city, he would invite them to his house and serve them. One day, a Mahatma came to Seth’s house. Seth and Sethani (Rich man wife) welcomed Mahatma and served him food. After some time, Seth went…

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Once in a village, lived a four friends. Among them three had finest knowledge of scriptures while one friend didn’t had much knowledge of scriptures but was wise. One day they started discussing future. First friend said, “We have acquired so much knowledge and i have heard that King of state have great respect for…

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager Funny Story

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager!

Once an old lady came to biggest bank of city and said that she wanted to deposit some money in the bank. When staff asked how much, old lady replied that she wanted to deposit around 10lakhs but asked to meet bank manager before depositing her money. Manager came cleared her queries. Then while talking…

Young Man Wish to Meet King!

Young Man Wish to Meet King – Deep Meaning

Once son of a poor widow, saw King. Seeing the King, he asked his mother, “Mother will i ever be able to talk to King?” Mother didn’t say anything. One day, boy came to know that a saint had come to their village. So young man went to saint and told him about his wish…

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