Sage Arrogance vs Sadhana of a Household Woman

Sage Arrogance and Sadhana of a Household Woman

Leaving his old mother and helpless father, a man went to forest to do penance. After several years, he completed his penance. When he got up, after completing his Sadhana, he saw a crow flying with a baby bird in it’s beak. Seeing this, Sage looked at crow angrily and flames burst out of Sage’s … Read more

Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story

Who is Giver Two Beggars and King Story

Long ago, in a city lived two beggars Kripal and Jagat. Every morning, they both would go to King’s palace for alms. Kripal would go there and call out saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.” Where as Jagat would go there and call out saying, “Giver is King, he will get me … Read more

Put the Camel on Roof! Guru and Disciple Relation

Put the Camel on Roof! Story about Guru and Disciple Relation

A Guru had two disciples. One was named Gora and other was named Kala. Guru was more attached to Kala. A person who used to visit Guru ji regularly for his blessing, asked him, “Guru ji, Gora does all the work in ashram. Yet you give so much importance to Kala, why?” Guru said, “Tomorrow … Read more

Story of Sant Malukdas – Real Salvation

Story of Sant Malukdas - Real Salvation

Malukdas was an atheist. One day a Saint came to village and stayed there. Saint used to narrate Ramayana to people. Every morning and evening people used to visit him and enjoy Ram Katha. One day, by chance Malukdas also reached there. At that time, Saint was telling glory of Shri Ram and said – … Read more

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Arun had no patience at all. He would start a work, do it for few days and then close it and start another work. Many years had passed like this and he had not yet been able to settle down in any business. Arun’s parents were very upset with his habit of his. Seeing no … Read more

Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation – Prisoner Story

Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation - Prisoner Story

A King gave a sentence of death to two prisoners. One of them knew that King loved his horse very much. As soldiers were about to take them away, that prisoner said to king, “If my life is spared, i will teach your horse to fly in a year.” Hearing this, King became happy thinking … Read more

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side – Guru Disciple Story

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side - Guru Disciple Story

Once a Guru was telling his disciple a story. Story: There were a village on one side of river and a great and huge temple on other side of river. One day two friends Manu and Raja decided to visit temple. One of those friend Raja was very arrogant and other one Manu was humble … Read more

Man Question to Buddha – Why There is No Change in Me?

Man Question to Buddha - Why Still There is No Change in Me

Buddha used to give discourse on river bank. Many people used to come to listen to him. Everyone listened to him very attentively. A person used to come daily from far away to listen to Buddha’s discourse. One day, after discourse ended, he went to Buddha and said, “I listen to your teachings everyday but … Read more

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

A monk was going for a walk with his disciples. On way, he was explaining them about importance of keeping good company to his disciples. Monk saw that disciples were not able to understand it. On way, monk saw a rose plant full of flowers. Seeing it, he asked a disciple to immediately pick a … Read more

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