Needle Tree and Brothers – Be Kind Always

Needle Tree and Brothers - Be Kind Always

Long time ago, a village was situated on the edge of a dense forest. Two brothers used to live in that village. Elder brother was selfish and greedy while younger was kind. Younger brother loved the elder brother very much but elder would always misbehave with him. One day elder brother went to forest to … Read more

Knowledge or Conduct – Which is Greater?

Knowledge or Conduct - Which is Greater?

Once upon a time, there was a King who used to respect royal Priest of his kingdom very much. Whenever he came, King would himself get up from his throne and honor him. One day King asked him, “I have a question. Tell me whether a person’s Conduct is great or his Knowledge is great.” … Read more

Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

An elephant lived in a forest who was very proud of his strength. He would destroy nest of birds or uproot the entire tree. Sometimes he used to pick monkeys and thrash them and sometimes would trample rabbits under his feet. All animals were upset with him but could not do anything in front of … Read more

Lion and Mouse – Short Story for Kids

Lion and Mouse - Short Story for Kids

Once, a lion was sleeping comfortably under the shade of a tree after eating and drinking. After a while, from somewhere a naughty mouse reached there and started playing around. While playing mouse climbed on top of the lion, ran on lion’s back, climbed on lion’s head. He was having a lot of fun. Lion’s … Read more

King and Beggar Story about Giving

King and Beggar Story about Giving

A beggar woke up early to go out to beg. Before going out, he put a hand full of barley in his bag because of superstition that beggar should not keep their bags empty while going out to beg. Beggar got out of his hut thinking that, with God grace, today his bag will be … Read more

What’s Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

What's Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

Once a man worked hard all his life and by the time he reached age of 50, he had opened many companies and became one of the biggest industrialist of the city. One day, while traveling in his car, his driver played a satsang audio. In satsang, Saint said – No matter how much you … Read more

Rattling Sound and Thirsty Horse – Deep Meaning

Rattling Sound and Horse - Deep Meaning

A man was going somewhere on a horse. After long journey his horse became very thirsty but man didn’t had any water left with him. He started looking around. He saw that at a far away well, a farmer was watering his fields using ‘Rahat’. Traveler came to well requested farmer to let his horse … Read more

Man Complaint to God about Troubles in Life

Man Complaint to God about Troubles in Life

Once a person had a very bad day. At night, he pleaded to God and said, “God, if you are not angry, may i ask you a question?” God replied, “Ask, whatever you want to ask.” Person said, “God, why did you spoiled my whole day?” God asked, “But what happened?” Person said, “In morning, … Read more

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

One day a man went to see circus. After show was over, while leaving, he passed by enclosure of elephants. Man thought that because elephant was such giant animal, it must be kept locked in big cage but scene was completely opposite. There he saw that elephant was kept only by tying a rope to … Read more

Scholar and Young Man Conversation

A Scholar was being interviewed by a young professional. Interview started.. Young man – Sir, in your last lecture, you told us about CONTACT and CONNECTION. It was really confusing. Can you please explain? Scholar smiled and asked, “Are you from this city?” Young man replied, “Yes.” Scholar asked, “Who’s in your family?” Young man … Read more