Two Brothers and Demon – Facing Fears

Two Brothers and Demon - Facing Fears

Once two brothers were passing through a forest. A lot of time passed while walking and sun was about to set. Seeing that it was not possible to proceed further in dark, younger brother said, “Brother, we should stay here till morning and as soon as dawn breaks, we will proceed to our destination.” Elder … Read more

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

One day, while cleaning in Emperor Akbar’s bedroom, one of vase fell from hand of servant and broke. Servant got scared because it was Akbar’s favorite vase. Servant gathered all the pieces and secretly threw them. When Akbar came to bedroom, he found his favorite vase missing. He called servant and asked about it. Out … Read more

Dispute Between Monkey and Lion Story

Dispute Between Monkey and Lion Story

Once upon a time, there was dispute between lion and monkey and topic of debate was – Intelligence is Superior to Strength. According to lion, strength was superior but monkey said that intelligence was superior. Both had their own arguments and were trying to prove themselves right. Monkey said, “Intelligence is best. With intelligence you … Read more

Camels in Saint Convoy – Problems in Life

Camels in Saint Convoy - Problems in Life

Once in a city, lived a man who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one or other problem. One day, a Saint convoy stopped at some distance from city. People got to know about him and started reaching him with their problems. Man also decided to visit Saint. Even after … Read more

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us?

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us

A disciple asked his Guru, “Does God eat the food offered by us? If yes, then why doesn’t that food gets any less in quantity and if not, then what is the benefit of offering it?” Guru ji did not give any answer immediately. After completing the lesson, Guru ji recited a verse and asked … Read more

Monkey and Bell – Story about Rumor

Monkey and Bell - Story about Rumor

A village was situated on the edge of the forest which was prosperous and people of the village were leading a peaceful life. The villagers had built a temple in the middle of the village, where they used to worship everyday. There was a big bell at the entrance of the temple. One night, a … Read more

Farmer and Snake Enmity! Bitter Truth of Life

Farmer and Snake Enmity! Bitter Truth of Life

One day a farmer was working in fields with his son. Suddenly his son foot fell on the tail of snake. As soon as snake’s tail was pressed under his feet, snake hissed and bites farmer’s son. Due to effect of poison, farmer’s son died that instant. Seeing death of his son in front of … Read more

What Will People Say!! Monk Story

What Will People Say!! Motivational Story

A monk went to the bank of a river and after drinking water, put his head on a stone and fell asleep. Just then 3-4 Paniharins (water woman) came for water at that river. First Paniharin said, “Oh! He became a monk yet he can not leave it attachment to pillow. Even if it is … Read more

Bride’s Father Condition For Marriage!!

Bride's Father Condition For Marriage!!

Once a young man fell in love with a young woman. Father of young woman agreed for marriage with great difficulty. Father agreed but on one condition. He said to young man family that – No elder should from young man’s village or family should come in marriage. Condition was difficult to follow yet young … Read more

King Offer to Potter – Story about Happiness

King Offer to Potter - Story about Happiness

Once there was a King who had everything, a prosperous kingdom, kind wife, good children but still was sad. Once while roaming, he reached a small village where potter (a person who makes pots, dishes, etc. from baked clay) was selling pots outside the temple and at his stand, some pots were filled with water … Read more