Clever Kids.. Sweet Funny Story

Clever Kids - Funny Short Inspirational Stories

It was a busy high way that connects all major roads in the city. People rush in their vehicles and it leads to chaos in the busy road. Driving the vehicles beyond the speed limit became the major problem in the city. A police officer decided to watch for the vehicles that are driven beyond … Read more

Two Friends Fishing..!!

Two Friends - God Gives Us What We Need Short Stories

There were two fishermen who where close pals. They used to catch fish together on weekends. Since they were busy in their personal work and family, they hardly spend time together. It was a Saturday and they decided to drive to a nearby pond to enjoy their day in fishing. Also, they wanted to have … Read more

The Rock in the Road Story…

The Rock in the Road Story - Moral Stories of Kids in English

It was reign of King Paul. People lived happily under his reign. He was so conscious about keeping them happy and considered the people in his reign as his own family. He took utmost care to fulfill every need of his fellowmen. However, often, King Paul used to hear tantrums from his court men that … Read more

Sand and Stone Story

Sand and Stone Story of Two Friends in English

Jimmy and Johnny were best friends. They fought for many reasons and but never gave up their friendship. They went in search of a job and visited many places to earn more money. They passed through various places, villages, towns, forests, beaches, and were supporting each other all the way through out their journey. One … Read more

Fox and Mother Duck..!!

A mother duck and her little ducklings were on their way to a lake one day. The ducklings were very happy following their mother and quack-quacking along the way. All of a sudden the mother duck saw a fox at a distance. She was frightened and shouted, “Children, hurry to the lake. There’s a fox!” … Read more

Bundle of Sticks..!!

Bundle of Sticks Moral Story - Unity is Strength Short Stories

Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three sons in a village. All his three sons were hard workers. Still, none of them agreed with each other and quarreled all the time. The old man tried a lot to unite them but he failed. While the villagers were surprised at their hard … Read more