Thief and Wood Sticks.. Birbal’s Wisdom

Birbal's Wisdom - Akbar Birbal Stories in English With MoralBirbal's Wisdom - Akbar Birbal Stories in English With Moral

Once a rich merchant’s house was robbed. The merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. So he went to Birbal and mentioned the incident. Birbal went to his house and assembled all of his servants and asked that who stole the merchant’s things. Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave … Read more

Wicker Barber Conspiracy Against Birbal..

Wicked Barber Plan - Akbar Birbal Short Stories in English

One day they approached the king’s barber with a plan. As the barber was extremely close to the king, they asked him to help them get rid of Birbal permanently. And of course, they promised him a huge sum of money in return. The wicked barber readily agreed. The next time the king required his … Read more

King Akbar’s Three Questions for Birbal

Three Questions by King - Akbar Birbal Stories English

King Akbar was very fond of Birbal. This made a certain courtier very jealous. Now this courtier always wanted to be chief minister, but this was not possible as Birbal filled that position. One day Akbar praised Birbal in front of the courtier. This made the courtier very angry and he said that the king … Read more

Blind King’s Challenge to Painter..!!

King's Challenge Story - Inspiring Short Stories for Students

Very long ago, a one-eyed king was ruling a country. He was fond of arts and crafts. He generously rewards the great artists, poets and craftsmen. However, he was stuck with one major habit. He never liked any person who used to praise him falsely! Simply, he was a man of truth and wanted his … Read more

Clever Kids.. Sweet Funny Story

Clever Kids - Funny Short Inspirational Stories

It was a busy high way that connects all major roads in the city. People rush in their vehicles and it leads to chaos in the busy road. Driving the vehicles beyond the speed limit became the major problem in the city. A police officer decided to watch for the vehicles that are driven beyond … Read more

Two Friends Fishing..!!

Two Friends - God Gives Us What We Need Short Stories

There were two fishermen who where close pals. They used to catch fish together on weekends. Since they were busy in their personal work and family, they hardly spend time together. It was a Saturday and they decided to drive to a nearby pond to enjoy their day in fishing. Also, they wanted to have … Read more