Painter Trouble – Finding Mistakes vs Correcting Them

Painter Trouble - Finding Mistakes vs Correcting Them

Once a famous painter lived in a certain city. Thousands of people used to come to see his art exhibition. People would never get tired of praising his work. One day, he thought – Is it that people praise him only in front of him and talk about mistakes in his work behind his back. … Read more

Lion Offer to Cat – Bitter Truth of Today’s World

Lion Offer to Cat - Bitter Truth of Today's World

Long time ago, lived a lion in a cave. All animals of forest were afraid of lion. One day, a mouse entered lion’s cave, thinking that no animal would come near lion’s cave, mouse found it to be most appropriate place to stay safe. Mouse dug a burrow in lion’s cave and started living there. … Read more

Vast Like Sea – Thoughts to Motivate Yourself and Live Happy

Vast Like Sea - Thoughts to Motivate Yourself and Live Happy

A strong wave came on beach and sandal of a child was washed away with it. Seeing this, child wrote with his finger on sand – Sea is a thief. On the other side, a fisherman caught a lot of fish. He wrote on sand – Sea is my nurturer. Just a little while later, … Read more

Guru Gift to Disciple – Magic Mirror Story

Guru Gift to Disciple - Magic Mirror Story

Once Guru of a gurukul was greatly impressed by service of his disciple. After completion of education, when disciple was about to leave, his Guru gave him a mirror as blessing. It was not any ordinary mirror. It was a magic mirror which had ability to show true thoughts of any person’s mind and heart. … Read more

Disciples Question – What is Most Powerful Thing?

Disciples Question - What is Most Powerful Thing

One day, in Gurukul, a debate broke out among disciples about – What is the most powerful thing in the world? Everyone was saying one or other thing. When they were not able to reach any conclusion, all disciples went to Guru ji. Guru ji listened to what disciples had to say and then after … Read more

Murli Mountaineering with his Friends – Little More Effort

Murli Mountaineering with his Friends - Little More Effort

Every year during summer holidays, Murli used to go for mountaineering with his friends. This year also he made plans with his friends. On reaching place, guide took them to a famous mountaineering spot. On reaching there Murli and his friends found that place was crowded which they didn’t expect. A friend said, “There is … Read more

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk – Anger Story

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk - Anger Story

Once a Monk was sitting on a big rock situated in the bank of river. At same place, daily a washer man used to come to wash clothes as there was only one rock on bank of river, which could be used while washing clothes. Today, when washer man came and saw monk sitting on … Read more

How to be Successful? Grandfather Lesson to Boy

How to be Successful Grandfather Lesson to Boy

Once a child came to visit his grandfather during his summer holidays. He used to play with his grandpa all the time. One day he said to his grandpa, “When i grow up, i want to become a successful man. Can you tell me some ways to be successful?” Grandfather nodded in yes and took … Read more

Shepherd Condition for Priest – Greed Story

Shepherd Condition for Priest - Greed Story

Once a question arose in court of Raja Bhoj – Which is such a well from which a man cannot get out after falling in? Many people gave different answer but none could satisfy King’s curiosity. In end, King told Raj pandit (Royal priest) to give answer for this question within seven days or else … Read more