Glass of Water Stress Story

Glass of Water Stress Story - Stress Management Stories

While psychologist was teaching stress management to the class. He raised a glass of water. Seeing this everyone expected that he is going to ask, “Half Empty Hal Full..!!” But instead he asked, “How Heavy is this Glass of Water?” Many called out the answer that it ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. Now … Read more

Brooklyn Bridge Inspirational Story

Brooklyn Bridge Inspirational Story - Moral Stories

It’s story of a creative engineer named John Roebling who build the Brooklyn Bridge in New York despite of all the rejections and circumstances he had to face. In 1883, Engineer John Roebling had an creative idea to build a spectacular bridge to connect New york with Long Islands. He presented his idea to experts … Read more

Mother’s Love for Her Son

Mother's Love - Mother and Son Heart Touching Story

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as cook to support the family and his kid studies. One day mother went to kid school to meet him but kid was so embarrassed. … Read more

Life Changing Event at Airport

Life changing Experience at Airport - Marriage Love Stories

Story of man who experienced a life changing event at airport while he was waiting there to pick up his friend. As the man was trying to locate his friends at airport, He noticed a man coming toward him carrying his bags and stopped right next to him. After reaching his family he first motioned … Read more

Sand and Pebbles in Jar Story

Sand and Pebbles in Jar - Philosophical Stories for Children

A professor stood before class with items on table in front of him. When class began, He picked up a large Glass jar an started to fill it with rocks of about 2 inch in diameter. Then he asked students if the jar was full. All students agreed. Now the professor picked up a box … Read more

Grasshopper And Ants Story..!!

Grasshopper And Ants Story - Hard work motivational stories

One sunny day in winter, a Grasshopper was enjoying the warm sunlight but he was feeling very hungry. So, he was looking around to find something to eat but he could find anything to eat. Suddenly he saw ants carrying their food to their hole. After seeing this for a while he went up to … Read more

Story of Fisherman and King’s Guard

Story of Fisherman and King's Guard - Wise man Stories

Once there was a king who wanted to give a great feast to his guests, He got all kind of dishes prepared for them but cooks were not having fish to cook. So, he offered a reward to anyone who can get fishes before feast. After knowing about the announcement, a fisher man bought the … Read more

Wise Pandit’s Reply to Householder

Wise Poor Pandit Reply - Judging by Appearance Stories

In a village, there lived a Pandit. Despite being well-versed in all Scriptures and knowing everything he was very poor and didn’t have a house. Even getting meals for a day was very difficult for him and his clothes were worn out. Pandit used to beg for his meals, “Please give me Alms.” by going … Read more

Story of Ekalavya And Dronacharya

Story of Ekalavya And Dronacharya in English - Motivational

Long-era ago, In India lived a boy named Eklavya, son of tribal chief in the forest of kingdom Hastinapur. Eklavya was brave and handsome boy who was loved by all. His father saw that something was troubling him. Many times he saw his son lost in deep thought and other boys used to play and … Read more

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