Dead Son Portrait Story

Dead Son Portrait Story - Heart Touching Stories Father Son

Long time ago, There was rich man and his son. Both shared a passion for collecting art. They used to travel around the world together and collect priceless work by Picasso and many other. Man had an satisfaction as his son had trained eyes and sharp business. So, Man knew that he would became as … Read more

Divinity Lies Within Us..!!

Spiritual Inspirational Short Stories - Best Stories for Life

According to Hindi Legend, Once there was time when every human being were GOD but they abused their divinity. So, one day Brahma(Creator) decided to take back divinity from Humans and decided to Hide it some place where humans could never find it. To do this Brahma called meeting of all Gods to decide about … Read more

Butterfly Struggle Story

Butterfly Struggle Story - Inspirational Stories for Life

One day a man found cocoon of butterfly. He saw a small opening and set there to watch butterfly who was struggling to force it body through the hole. Man watched this whole process for several hours. After some hours butterfly stopped making any progress and it seemed like it reached it limit to put … Read more

The Fat Lady Story..!!

The Fat Lady Story - Motivational Life Short Stories in English

Story of guy who met a very healthy woman in flight. Squeezing herself into the seat she smiled and said, “Hi, how are you? Not in mood to talk to any stranger he ignored. Women repeated her greeting in friendly voice, leaning toward the guy forcing him to look at her. Guy replied with, “Hi.” … Read more

Glass of Water Stress Story

Glass of Water Stress Story - Stress Management Stories

While psychologist was teaching stress management to the class. He raised a glass of water. Seeing this everyone expected that he is going to ask, “Half Empty Hal Full..!!” But instead he asked, “How Heavy is this Glass of Water?” Many called out the answer that it ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. Now … Read more

Brooklyn Bridge Inspirational Story

Brooklyn Bridge Inspirational Story - Moral Stories

It’s story of a creative engineer named John Roebling who build the Brooklyn Bridge in New York despite of all the rejections and circumstances he had to face. In 1883, Engineer John Roebling had an creative idea to build a spectacular bridge to connect New york with Long Islands. He presented his idea to experts … Read more

Mother’s Love for Her Son

Mother's Love - Mother and Son Heart Touching Story

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as cook to support the family and his kid studies. One day mother went to kid school to meet him but kid was so embarrassed. … Read more

Life Changing Event at Airport

Life changing Experience at Airport - Marriage Love Stories

Story of man who experienced a life changing event at airport while he was waiting there to pick up his friend. As the man was trying to locate his friends at airport, He noticed a man coming toward him carrying his bags and stopped right next to him. After reaching his family he first motioned … Read more

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