A Pinch of Poison! After Marriage Moral Stories

After Marriage Stories with Life Lesson for Girls Moral Stories

A Pinch of Poison.. (Read till End..!!) (After Marriage Life Lesson for Girls Moral Stories ) A newly wed girl name Arti came to her new home with her husband and mother-in-law. After few days Arti felt that she can’t manage to live with her mother-in-law under same roof as Her mother-in-law was old fashioned … Read more

Lion and Mouse Short Story

Tales of Panchtantra - The Lion and The Mouse Short Story

Story 1: The Lion and The Mouse Story Once in a forest lived very strong lion. One day while lion was sleeping under tree a mouse came and started playing near him. Few minutes later mouse started to play on lion’s body and pulled lion’s whiskers. Lion woke up because of this and caught mouse … Read more

Losing Everything in Moment of Anger!!

Sad Heart Touching Story - Losing Everything in Anger Moral Story

A couple had been married for 10 years but they didn’t had any child. They stayed with each other and really hoped that they will have a child before their 11th anniversary. Their family and friends were pursuing them to get a divorce but they didn’t wanted to get separated because of strong love between … Read more

Material Life vs Spiritual Life!!

Spiritual Enlightenment Stories - Material Life vs Spiritual Life

Once in a kingdom, king brought a beautiful diamond necklace for his daughter as gift but the necklace was stolen and everyone in the kingdom tried to find it out but couldn’t find it. At last king announced that who ever find necklace will be rewarded $50,000. Everyone in kingdom knew about reward. One day … Read more

Filter Test for Rumors!! (Must Read)

Socrates Moral Stories - Trust in Relationship Moral Stories

In ancient times, Socrates (Philosopher) in Greece were considered in High esteem for their knowledge. One day a follower of great philosopher went to him and started saying, “Do you know what things i just heard about one of your friend?” Just before he could say anything further philosopher interrupted him saying, “Hold on a … Read more

Hare Who was Very Friendly!! Friendship Story

Friend in Need is Frnd in Deed- Moral Stories Based on Friendship

Once in a forest lived a hare who was very friendly with all other animals in forest. He nature was generous and would always help other in need. He was very popular among other animals and loved by them. One day he was resting. Suddenly he sensed that a pack of hounds was running towards … Read more

Trust in God Stories..

Trust in God Stories - Best Moral Stories About God in English

Story 1. Trust in God!! An emperor asked to Monk, “I would like to see your God. How can i see it?” Monk replied, “It’s impossible! You cannot see God.” Listening to this reply emperor questioned, “Impossible? If i can not see God, Hoe can i entrust my life to God?” “Ok, Can you show … Read more

How to be a Good Learner!!

How to be a Good Learner - Zen Learning Stories for Life Lessons

Story 1: Professor Question.. A university professor came to a Japanese master to Question About Zen. Japanese master greeted him. Before they could start to talk about Zen Japanese master invited professor for tea. At the table both were sitting in front of each other. Master started to serve tea for professor while pouring tea … Read more

Want to be Most Powerful!!

Stone Cutter Wish Story - Stories about Wish to be Most Powerful

Once there was a stone cutter who was always dis satisfied with himself and his life. One day he was passingĀ  by a rich merchant house and when he saw important visitors there he thought to himself, “How powerful that merchant is!!” He got envious and in thought wished that if he could be like … Read more

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