Misery of Greedy Man..!! Stories about Dishonesty

Short Stories on Dishonesty - What Goes Around Comes Around Stories

Story 1: Worth of Lump of Gold..! There was a man who only cared about money. He didn’t even spend money to buy bare necessities of life. He collected a large sum of money. He spend all his money to buy a lump of gold. Man buried that gold in a secret place in his … Read more

Secret Behind the Door!! Monk and Traveler Story

Very Funny Short Stories - Monks Secret and Traveler Curiosity Interesting

It was night time, a man was driving down the road and his car breaks down near monastery. Because of night time he goes to monastery and knocks on door. As monk came outside and open the door, man says, “My car broke down. Can i stay here for a night?” Monk accepted his request. … Read more

Solution of Brother’s Fight..!

Short Story About Fighting with Family - Brothers Fight Solution

Once in village lived two brothers who used to live on adjoining farms for last 40 years. For all these years they lived happily side by side farming, sharing machinery and trading labor and good as per need. Once they both got into conflict which started with a small misunderstanding and grew into major difference … Read more

Beggar’s Magical Begging Bowl..!!

Human Mind And Desire Stories - Finding Inner Self English Story

Once there was a powerful emperor. One day he was going out of his palace. On his way he met a beggar. He asked beggar, “What do you want?” Beggar laughed and said, “What? You are asking me as if you can fulfill my desires..” Listening to beggar reply king felt offended and said, “Of … Read more

Three Masters..!! Sufi Saint Motivational Story

Learning Stories - Best Moral Stories for Ways to Learn in Life

Once there was a great Sufi saint. In his last days, someone asked him about his master. Saint said, “I had thousands and thousands of masters and if i even try to tell you about each of them, it will take months or years and it is too late for that. But since you asked … Read more

KFC Colonel Sander’s Inspirational Story!!

Real Life Inspirational Stories - KFC Owner Success Story Short

Sander’s was born in 1890. When sander’s was 5 yrs old, he lost his father. His mother who was housewife had to go out to work to earn for family and sander’s had to take care of his siblings. He used to look after and cook for them. By age of 7 his skills got … Read more

Ultimate Sacrifice – Panna Dai Story of Loyalty

Short Moral Stories on Loyalty - Heart Touching Story of Mother

In 16th century, there was nurse name Panna dai who was in service to Maharana Sangram Singh. She was responsible for taking care of son of Raja. She used to take care of him along with her own son Chandan who was of similar age as Young Udai. Both kids used to play together. During … Read more

What to Focus On “In Life” – Black Spot Story

Motivational Stories in English - Black Spot On White Paper Moral

One day a professor entered in classroom and told students about surprise test. After hearing that all students were seated and waited for test to begin. Now, professor gave test paper to all students with text facing down at desk. Once he was done with handing out test to all students, he asked them to … Read more

Broken Dreams – Sad Heart Touching Story

Heart Touching Stories for Parents and their Kids English Moral

Once a lived a very poor family.In family there was mother father and daughter. Father was the only person earning and it was just enough to fulfill basic need for them. Even when they didn’t had enough money he always used to dream about making his daughter best doctor in the world. He loved her … Read more

What’s Meaning of 99 Club?

99 Club Story for Adults with Moral to Live Life Fullest n Happy

Once upon a time lived a King who was not happy or content despite his Luxurious lifestyle. One day, king saw a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This made king curious about servant joy. King thought to himself that he is Ruler of the Land still he is unhappy and gloomy, while … Read more

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