Reading Bhagavad Gita Benefits

Reading Bhagavad Gita Benefits - Importance of Reading Bhagavad Gita

Once on a mountain farm lived an old man with his grandson. Old man used to wake up early in morning everyday and sat on table to read Bhagavad Gita. His grandson used to admire his grandfather and wanted to be just like him, so he tried to do everything the way his grandfather does. … Read more

Holy Man and Snake Hissing..!

Snake and The Holy man Story - Teaching Life Lesson Short Moral Stories

Once in small village lived a snake who used to attack and kill village animals. Villagers wanted to respect all creatures but they hate that snake because snake was not just attacking animals but now it used to attack villagers children also. All villagers wanted to kill snake. So one day all villagers gathered on … Read more

Power of Wisdom – King and Sage Story

Power of Wisdom Stories - Best King and Sage Fortune Telling Short Story

Once there was very famous sage and used to live outside of Ramnagar of Manipur Kingdom. He was known for his fortune telling and everyone in kingdom knew about him and accuracy of his fortune telling skill. Maniraj was King of that Kingdom and heard words about saint and his skill. King wanted to greet … Read more

Business Success – Old Man Debt.! (Must Read)

Stories about Business Success - Self confidence and Attitude Best Stories

Once a businessman got caught in debt real deep and he was not able to think of any way out to sort out that debt. So one day he went out and sat in the park to think if he could do anything to save his company from bankruptcy. While he was sitting in park, … Read more

Respect – Old Witch and Knight..!

Short Story about Respect - Witch and Knight Short Moral Stories to Learn

Once there was a very noble name Arthur who was captured by his neighboring king. Enemy could have killed him but Enemy king knew that he was very wise and noble king. So he offered him freedom but on one condition. He would have to figure out an answer and even if after an year … Read more

Tips for Better Life.! Motivational

Best Advice for Better Life - Practical and Motivational Tips for Social Life

21 Practical and Motivational Advice’s for Better Life..!! 1. Think twice before Burdening a friend with a Secret. 2. Beware of the person who has nothing to Lose. 3. Never waste an Opportunity to tell someone you Love them. 4. When someone Hugs you, Let them be the first to let go. 5. Take charge … Read more

Wise Man Advice – Secret of Happiness!!

Secret of Happiness Stories - Wise Man Advice to Young Man Moral Story

Once an old man wanted his son to learn about secret of happiness so he sent his son far away to meet a man who was known for being wisest man. Son obeyed his father. It took him weeks to reach that place. There young man saw a very big and beautiful castle on mountain … Read more

Inspirational Sikh Story – Always on Duty..!

Inspirational Sikh Stories - Short Moral Stories about Faith and Duty for Life

Once a Sikh young man was traveling in first class of an airline. After flight took off, air hostess came to him and offered him complimentary drinks as per airlines guidelines. Air hostess bought an alcohol drink, young man refused for that drink. Air hostess returned with that drink to her kitchen. After sometime she … Read more

Smart Work – Lumberjack Competition

Smart Work Short Stories - Hard Work vs Smart Work Winning Short Story

In a town, every year an annual lumberjack competition was held. The rule for the competition was simple, who ever cut the most tree at the day end would be the winner. This year there were only two people in the final. One was old and experienced lumberjack while another was younger and stronger lumberjack. … Read more

Monk and Wealthy Man Story – Change Your Vision..!!

Think Wisely Moral Stories - Wisdom Short Stories about Problems in Life

Once there was very wealthy man who was suffering from severe eye pain. He consulted many doctors and tried their treatments but nothing helped. Even after consuming so many drugs to treat his eye, he still suffered from pain and that pain in eye persisted more than before. At last, he heard about a monk … Read more