Facing Adversity?

Facing Adversity Moral Stories - Short Stories abt Overcoming Obstacles

Once a young women complained to her mother about how hard her life is going on and that she wanted to give up. After listening to her, her mother took her to kitchen and there she took three pots and filled them with water then she placed pots with water on fire and bring them … Read more

Organ Donation – Inspiring Story

Inspirational Stories - Organ Donation Save Lives Heart Touching Message

One of the most powerful rich man in Brazil made a announcement. He announced that he will be burying his million dollar rare Bentley car in the ground so that he could he could drive it even in his after life. This received a lot of media attention and some even criticized him for wasting … Read more

Beautiful Horns..!!

Appreciating Things Stories - Beautiful Horns or Ugly Legs Lesson for Life

Once a thirsty Stag was roaming around in the forest in search of water. After a while he found a clear water lake. Stag went to lake and drank water. After drinking water while looking in water he saw his own reflection. In reflection he saw his beautiful horns. He was so happy to see … Read more

Friend’s Promise..!!

Moral Stories on Promise - An Important Lesson on Promise n Friendship

Once Birbal and his friend were going somewhere. In their way they had to pass a small stream, on which there was a old bridge which was so narrow that only one person could pass at a time and with time it had become too slippery. When they reached there Birbal managed to get across … Read more

God is Always There for You

Stories about God Always Being There - Swami Vivekananda Life Story

Once Swami Vivekananda was traveling by train, in same compartment a rich business man was sitting just next to Swami ji. Rich man who was traveling with him was helping himself to varieties of eatables. He saw that Swami ji was carrying nothing and seemed tired. (Being Sanyasi, Swami ji had control over senses. During … Read more

Nasrudin Folktales – Village Head Stories

Nasrudin Folktales - Short Funny Nasruddin Hoja Folktales in English

Story 1:  Village Head Poetry..!! Once in a village, Village Head liked poetry and sometimes used to write on his own. One day while Village Head and Nasrudin were sitting at a shop, he read one of his poems to Nasrudin. Then he asked Nasrudin,”How is it?? Do you like it??” Nasrudin replied, “It wasn’t … Read more

Father Lesson – Farm Management..

Father Lessons Son Moral Stories - Hard Work vs Smart Work Brothers

Once in a village, two brother’s started to work at poultry farm under their father guidance. Some years after they started working with their father, older son noticed that father would give more responsibility and reward to his younger brother. Older son felt it unfair as both worked equally and being older he should be … Read more

Akbar’s Order..!! Stories of Birbal Wisdom

Birbal Stories - Stories of Birbal Wisdom Fun to Read Short Moral Stories

Once Akbar got angry with Birbal and asked him to leave the palace and never come back to his palace. Birbal accepted Akbar’s command and resigned from his post as Akbar’s minister and left palace. After leaving Birbal went to a far away village and started to work there under a farmer with different identity. … Read more

Desire Stories – Sage Coin..!

Desire Moral Stories - Sage and King Short Stories to Learn Moral Lesson

Once upon a time, lived a Sage who used to go from one place to other. Once he was passing through a street of capital city of a kingdom. On his way he found a coin on side of road. Sage picked it up and kept it. Sage used to live a simple life and … Read more

Arrogant King and Wise Sage Story

Arrogant King Story - Wise Sage Reply Stories with Moral Lesson English

Once there was a kingdom which was ruled by a tyrant king. He was so arrogant that he couldn’t stand praise of anyone else except for himself. One time in his kingdom came a Sage. Sage admiration was spread through kingdom with in few days. He was kind and wise. He helped people by giving … Read more

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