Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation – Prisoner Story

Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation - Prisoner StoryA King gave a sentence of death to two prisoners. One of them knew that King loved his horse very much.

As soldiers were about to take them away, that prisoner said to king, “If my life is spared, i will teach your horse to fly in a year.”

Hearing this, King became happy thinking that he will be able to ride only flying horse in world.

Thinking this, he spared that prisoner life.

Other prisoner looked at him in disbelief and said, “You know that no horse can fly! You are just postponing your death sentence for a year..”

Prisoner replied, “I have actually given myself three chances of freedom..

First is – King can die within year..

Second is – Horse can die..

Third – May be i can teach horse to fly..”

One should not Lose Hope even in the Worst of situations.

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Search Keywords: Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation – Prisoner Story, Best Motivational Story to Share with Family and Friends, Story about Hope, Never Give UP Story to Motivate, Inspiration Story, Two Prisoner and Their Perspective Story, Interesting Story, Story to Make You Think

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