Kids Playing in Pond – Story about Karma

Kids Playing in Pond - Story about Karma

Once Shiv ji and Parvati ji (Hindu God and Goddess) went on a walk. On way, they saw that many children were swimming and playing in a pond but one child was sitting near by in sad posture. Seeing that child, Parvati ji asked Shiv ji, “Why is this child sad?” Shiv ji said, “Look, … Read more

Saint Question – Who is Slave of Whom?

Saint Question - Who Should Bow to Whom?

Once a Saint entered into palace and went straight to King’s court and started looking here and there. Seeing this, minister came near Saint and said to him, “O Saint, this is royal court. Do you not see that King is sitting on throne in front? Bow down, you should bow down to King.” Saint … Read more

King Yayati Curse – Desire and Realization Story

Story of King Yayati Curse - Desires and Realization of Life Truth

King Yayati was one of ancestors of Pandavas. He was well conversant with scriptures and had intense devotion towards God. He was utterly unacquainted with defeat. Nevertheless, cruel was his fate. He cheated his wife which angered his father-in-law Sukracharaya, who pronounced a curse on him. He cursed him with premature old age. Curse took … Read more

Arjuna vs Karna Skills – Lord Krishna Praise

While Battle of Kurushetra was at it’s peak. Arjuna and Karna were fighting each other. A flurry of arrows were being exchanged and even Gods were witnessing it. During epic battle between two warriors. Arjuna would shoot his arrow and impact of these arrows were so much that Karna’s chariot would go back by 25-30 … Read more

Rukmani Question to Krishna – Mahabharata Story

Mahabharat Story - Rukmani Question to Krishna abt Bheeshma n Karna

When Lord Krishna returned Dwarka, after battle of Mahabharata, his wife Rukmani questioned him, “Guru Drona and Bheeshma were such righteous people and had a lifetime of righteousness behind them. Why did you supported one’s killing them?” Lord Krishna replied, “Dear, you are right. There is no doubt that they both had a lifetime of … Read more

King Midas and Golden Touch..

Midas and Golden Touch - Classical Greek Mythology Short Moral Stories

In ancient Greek, there was a King named Midas. He had a loving wife and daughter. He had lots of money and everything he needed but still he was not satisfied with what he had. He wanted to have more and more riches. One day, Midas saw that a satyr named Silenus was drunk and … Read more

Being Mentally Strong..!!

Being Mentally Strong Moral Story - Power and Responsibility Short Stories

Once there was demon named Sauhaat, demon who had hundred hands. He was so powerful that no King in world could fight him. One by one he defeated every King in world and then dashed towards heaven to challenge God. Sauhaat went to God’s court and proudly said, “I am most powerful being in this … Read more

Positive Thinking – Traveler Thoughts..!!

Positive Thinking Stories - Best Moral Stories Abt Importance of Positivity

Once a traveler was passing by a forest. It was hot afternoon and was feeling very tired. After a while he sat under a tree to rest. He felt relived sitting under shade of that tree. While resting he started to feel thirsty and thought that only if he could have some water then he … Read more

Pandavas Story – Present Time.!

Pandavas Short Stories - Doing Work on Time Moral Stories for Kids Life Lesson

Once upon a time a beggar came to Yudhisthira. He asked him for help. Yudhisthira was busy that time so he just replied, “Come tomorrow..” Beggar left. After beggar went away, Bheema (younger brother of Yudhisthira) took a big drum and starting beating drum furiously. With every beat he started walking toward city with that … Read more

Priest Good Deed Reward – Krishna Arjuna Story

Krishna Arjun Stories - Motivational Stories Abt Importance of Doing Good Deed

Once upon a time, Krishna and Arjun went out for stroll. On their way they saw a poor priest begging for alms. Arjun felt pity for him and gave him a bag full of Gold coins. Priest thanked Arjun and started to walk back his home. On his way he saw a needy person but … Read more

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