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A collection of short motivational stories that has a power to uplift your mind and soul. These motivating stories will fill your heart with hope and optimism.

Harvesting Crops - Farmer and Bird Story

Harvesting Crops – Farmer and Bird’s Nest Story

A farmer lived in a village, He had a small farm outside the village. Once after farmer was done with sowing, a bird made a nest in his field. After sometime, bird laid two eggs and soon its young one hatched from those eggs. Bird and its children started living living their life in that…

Puzzle to Open Door - King and Young Man Story

Puzzle to Open Door – King and Young Man Story

Once a mighty King ruled a kingdom. He didn’t have any children and because of his age, he was worried about future heir of kingdom. So, he decided to hand over the reins of his kingdom to a qualified youth. He conducted a merit test for selection of future successor. For test, a magnificent palace…

Farmer and His Dog - Story about Distractions in Life

Farmer and His Dog – Story about Distractions in Life

One day a farmer’s acquaintance came to visit his house but farmer was not present at home at that time. Farmer’s wife was there. She greeted guest and told him, “He has gone to fields. I will send someone to call for him. Till then you can wait. Within no time, farmer reached home from…

Success Result of Hard Work or Luck - Must Read

Success Result of Hard Work or Luck? (Must Read)

One man used to go food vendor occasionally. Man and food vendor used to talk about many topics and it was interesting and fun for both of them to discuss about various things. One day, while food vendor was preparing food, they started discussing about Hard work and Luck. Man asked food vendor, “What do…

Father and Little Boy Puzzle Story - Problem Solving

Father and Little Boy Puzzle Story – Problem Solving

Once 10 year old boy was playing and his father was doing his office work. While playing little boy was getting curious about things and kept repeatedly coming to his father to ask questions. Father was getting disturb because of this and couldn’t do his work. He was getting upset but didn’t want to scold…

Eagle Sitting on Branch - Story about Comfort Zone

Eagle Sitting on Branch – Story about Comfort

A long time ago, someone presented two children of an eagle, as a gift to a King. They were of very good breed, King had never seen such magnificent eagles before. King appointed an experienced man to look after them. After few months passed, King wanted to see them and reached place, where they were…

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

Once upon a time, a Guru and his disciple were passing through a village. Both were very hungry. They saw a house near by and knocked on the door. A man dressed in torn clothes came out. Guru said to him, “We are very hungry. Can we have something to eat?” Man welcomed them in…

Why One Should Keep Doing Good

Why One Should Keep Doing Good! (Must Read)

Many time in life we see that good people have to suffer and evil people get awarded. This story May help one to understand this a little. Narad Ji always used to roam around. One day he saw that a cow was trapped in a swamp in the forest. Cow tried a lot but couldn’t…

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond - Buddha's Help

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond – Buddha’s Help

A King had many elephants. One of them was very powerful, obedient and skilled in fighting. He went with King in many wars and was King’s favorite. As time passed, elephant got old and King cared for him and would not take him to war with him anymore. One day, elephant went to near by…

What is the Value of a Human? Father Son Story

What is the Value of a Human? Father Son Story

Once there was a boy name Arav. His father used to run an iron shop where he used to help his father with his work. One day he asked his father, “What is the value of a human is this world?” Father was surprised by this question. Father thought for a while and said, “Son,…

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