The Chained Elephant Story..!!

Chained Elephant Story - Motivational Stories for Life English

As a man was passing by the circus. He suddenly stopped amused and confused by seeing that a small rope was tied to the front leg of elephant to held him there. He thought to himself, “No chains, No cages. It’s obvious that such huge elephant can easily break this small rope and be free … Read more

The Cracked Pot Short Story

The Cracked Pot Short Story - Best Motivational Moral Stories

In India there was a water bearer. He had two large pots hanging on side on a pole which he used to carry on his shoulders. One of the pot was little cracked and it used to get half empty on reaching master’s house while other pot was perfect and full portion of water was … Read more

Mirror in Coffin Story..!!

Mirror in Coffin Story - Good Leadership Stories in English

One day all the employees of a company saw a note on door. “The person who have been hindering the growth of your company passed away yesterday. You all are invited to the funeral that has been prepared in company gym.” Was written on note. After reading note, all employees got sad for deceased colleague … Read more

Birbal Khichdi Short Story!!

Birbal ki Khichdi - Short Stories in English for Kids

On a cold winter day Akbar and Birbal took a walk along the lake. A thought came to Birbal that a man would do anything for money. He expressed his feelings to Akbar. Akbar then put his finger into the lake and immediately removed it because he shivered with cold. Akbar said “I don’t think … Read more

Wicker Barber Conspiracy Against Birbal..

Wicked Barber Plan - Akbar Birbal Short Stories in English

One day they approached the king’s barber with a plan. As the barber was extremely close to the king, they asked him to help them get rid of Birbal permanently. And of course, they promised him a huge sum of money in return. The wicked barber readily agreed. The next time the king required his … Read more

Blind King’s Challenge to Painter..!!

King's Challenge Story - Inspiring Short Stories for Students

Very long ago, a one-eyed king was ruling a country. He was fond of arts and crafts. He generously rewards the great artists, poets and craftsmen. However, he was stuck with one major habit. He never liked any person who used to praise him falsely! Simply, he was a man of truth and wanted his … Read more

The Rock in the Road Story…

The Rock in the Road Story - Moral Stories of Kids in English

It was reign of King Paul. People lived happily under his reign. He was so conscious about keeping them happy and considered the people in his reign as his own family. He took utmost care to fulfill every need of his fellowmen. However, often, King Paul used to hear tantrums from his court men that … Read more

Two Travelers in Desert..!!

There was a big tree more than hundred years old located in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. The tree was located at the center of four different towns, act as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. However, … Read more

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