King and Brahmin Story – Get Closer to God

King and Brahmin Story - Get Closer to God

A poor Brahmin saved some money for his daughter’s marriage. He went to a Seth and kept it with him, in trust, without any written document about it. After some years, when his daughter became eligible for marriage, Brahmin went back to Seth (money lender) to collect his money back. But Seth refused to recognize … Read more

Poor Woman Response to Secretary – Believe in God

Poor Woman Response to Secretary - Believe in God

There was a poor woman who had firm believe in God. Once, poor woman and her family didn’t get any food for several days. So, she sent a message to God through radio asking him to help her. In same city, an atheist rich man heard this broadcast and thought of doing something which will … Read more

King Offer to his People – Story for Spiritual Motivation

King Offer to People - Story for Spiritual Motivation

Once a King made an announcement in his kingdom that – Tomorrow morning, main door of my palace will be opened for everyone in kingdom. Tomorrow whatever person touches, that thing will become his. Hearing this announcement, everyone started talking among themselves that – I will touch the most precious thing. Some said – I … Read more

Flow of Thoughts – Guru Disciple Story

Flow of Thoughts - Guru Disciple Story

Once disciple went to his Guru and said, “My thoughts are bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Next day, Guru took his disciple to a field where a farmer was taking water from a flowing canal to the field by making a path from that canal towards field. Guru showed that scene to his … Read more

Disciple Question – What is this World in Your Eyes?

Disciple Question - What is this World in Your Eyes

One day a disciple asked his Guru, “Gurudev, What is this world in your eyes?” To answer this, His Guru narrated a story. Once in a city, there was a glass palace. In that palace there were hundreds of mirrors fixed on every wall. One day, an angry dog entered that palace. Inside, he saw … Read more

Quality of Bamboo – Saint Teaching to Disciple

Quality of Bamboo - Saint Teaching to Disciple

A Saint was going into forest with his disciple. While passing through a slope, disciple foot slipped and he started slipping downwards rapidly. He was about to fall into a ditch, when suddenly he caught on to a bamboo plant firmly. Because of that he was saved from falling into ditch. Bamboo which disciple was … Read more

Secret of Miraculous Amulet for Success! Mahatma Story

Secret of Miraculous Amulet for Success! Mahatma Story

Once in a village lived a young man Ramu. He was very hardworking but was always doubtful in his mind whether he would be successful on his work or not. Because of this he would get easily irritated at other and would get even angry even at small things. One day a famous Mahatma arrived … Read more

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

A pair of stork birds lived in a field near a village. Stork laid it’s eggs there. Eggs hatched, it was around time when crops in field were ripened. Stork got worried and wanted to leave with it’s children before farmer come to harvest fields but it’s children were too young to learn to fly. … Read more

Competition to Climb Tree – Frog Story about Others Comment

Competition to Climb Tree - Frog Story about Others Comment

Once upon a time, many frogs lived in a pond. Among those frogs there was a King. One day King frog decided do to a competition. There was tree in a pond. King frog said, “Whoever climbs this tree will be called victorious.” This competition was accepted by all frogs and competition was organised the … Read more

Painter Trouble – Finding Mistakes vs Correcting Them

Painter Trouble - Finding Mistakes vs Correcting Them

Once a famous painter lived in a certain city. Thousands of people used to come to see his art exhibition. People would never get tired of praising his work. One day, he thought – Is it that people praise him only in front of him and talk about mistakes in his work behind his back. … Read more

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