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A collection of short motivational stories that has a power to uplift your mind and soul. These motivating stories will fill your heart with hope and optimism.

Zen Master Short Stories - Way to Live Happy Life Moral Stories in English

Zen Master Story – Salt in Lake.!

Once a young man was very unhappy with his life. He felt depressed and terrible all the time. He got to know about a zen master in near by town. One day he decided to visit master and ask for solution. Young man went to him and said, “I have so many problems in life…

Old Man Wisdom - Confucius And Old Man Short Stories Lao Tzu Teaching

Confucius Story – Old Man Fitness..!

Once Confucius was passing by a village where he saw an old man with his young son pulling water from the well. Confucius was confused to see this as at that time people harness horses or oxen to pull water from the well. Confucius with concern went to old man and said, “Why are you…

Moral Stories on Judgement - Judging Situations Short Stories to Share

Judgement Stories – Old Man’s Horse

Once there was an poor old man used to live in a village. He was poor yet even king’s were jealous of him because of a beautiful white horse he owned. He was offered fabulous prices and money to sell that horse but old man would refuse saying, “This is not just horse to me,…

Buddha Moral Stories - Wisdom n Good Work Stories

Alms and Sacrifice Stories..!!

Story 1: Buddha’s Plough and Sow..!! One day while a farmer was on the field getting his harvest ready to take to market, just then Buddha came by and stood in front of him holding a bowl in his hand.. begging for alms. Seeing this farmer got angry and said, “I worked in fields, i…

Short Moral Stories for Adults - Learning from Kids Short Stories for Adults

Judging Other’s – Train Journey.!

Seema boarded on train with her 5yr old daughter. It was her first travel through train. Train was very crowded and it was very difficult to even pass through lanes between seats. Seema clutched hands of her daughter fearing that crowd could pull her daughter away. When train started to move a snack vendor came…

Trust in God Stories - Dont Lose Hope in Difficult Times Best Moral Stories

God Stories – Footprints on Beach.!

One night a man saw a dream. In his dream he was walking beside God on the beach. After walking some distance man and God stopped and rested for a while. Mean while man saw that all the scene from his life were flashing in the sky and just below them on the beach he…

Father Son Heart Touching Story - Parents Selfless Love Short Moral Story

Father Son Heart Touching Story..!

There was a old man named James who used to live with his wife in village. His son used to live in city. James wanted to meet his son so he decided to go to city to meet his son. He was very excited to see his son but unfortunately someone else opened the door….

Sharing with Others - Sharing Goodness and Happiness with Others Moral

Share with Others – Wise Man Orchard.!

Once a wise man bought a very big and beautiful house. This house had a huge orchard in front and it filled with trees bearing lots of fruits. Wise man was good by nature and greeted everyone with love and respect. Everyone in his neighbor liked him except one of his neighbor. This neighbor was…

Swami Vivekananda Motivational Stories - Face Your Problem Short Story

Motivational Stories from Vivekananda..!!

Story 1: Face your Fear..!! One day, Swami Vivekananda was returning from temple of Ma Durga. Path was very narrow as on one side it was covered by large water tank and on other side there was a high wall. On the path Swami Vivekananda saw a number of monkeys and those monkeys were not…

Stories by Swami Vivekananda - Thief and Sage Story in English to Share

Sage and Thief Story…!!

Once in Gazipur a Sage used to live by side of river Ganga in his small hut. Many people used to visit him and greet him with offerings they bought with them. One day a thief saw Sage’s hut and watched him for some time. He saw that there were many silver utensils and all…

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