Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Arun had no patience at all. He would start a work, do it for few days and then close it and start another work. Many years had passed like this and he had not yet been able to settle down in any business. Arun’s parents were very upset with his habit of his. Seeing no … Read more

Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation – Prisoner Story

Not Losing Hope Even in Worst Situation - Prisoner Story

A King gave a sentence of death to two prisoners. One of them knew that King loved his horse very much. As soldiers were about to take them away, that prisoner said to king, “If my life is spared, i will teach your horse to fly in a year.” Hearing this, King became happy thinking … Read more

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side – Guru Disciple Story

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side - Guru Disciple Story

Once a Guru was telling his disciple a story. Story: There were a village on one side of river and a great and huge temple on other side of river. One day two friends Manu and Raja decided to visit temple. One of those friend Raja was very arrogant and other one Manu was humble … Read more

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

A monk was going for a walk with his disciples. On way, he was explaining them about importance of keeping good company to his disciples. Monk saw that disciples were not able to understand it. On way, monk saw a rose plant full of flowers. Seeing it, he asked a disciple to immediately pick a … Read more

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Long time ago, in a city lived a rich man. He had immense wealth, a huge mansion and many servants to serve him. He had everything but still he couldn’t sleep at night. Even if he closed his eyes, he would have terrible dreams. He felt very restless. To cure this, he underwent many treatments … Read more

Man Crying Over Last Stone – Mahatma Wise Words

Man Crying Over Last Stone - Mahatma Wise Words

It was still dark in morning. A man came out for walk at river bank. After walking for while his foot hit a bag. Out of curiosity, man picked up that bag and put his hand in bag. On touching he found that bag was filled with stones. To pass time, man sat there and … Read more

Young Man Desire to Get Fame – Sage Advice to Young Man

Young Man Desire to Get Fame - Sage Advice to Young Man

Long ago there was a young man who always used to visit Sages and Yogis. Once he stayed with a yogi and pleased with his service Yogi said, “If you have any wish, i can fulfil it.” Young man wanted to gain fame. He said, “I want to become powerful. I want to know the … Read more

Who is Most Religious Person? King Challenge to his Sons

Who is Most Religious Person King Challenge to his Sons

A King had four sons. One day, he called his sons and said, “Go and find a religious person and whoever will find the most religious person will get the throne.” After few days, his eldest son brought a Scholar who had knowledge of many religious scriptures. King welcomed him and appreciated his work. After … Read more

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

There was a college student who was always quiet in class. He didn’t talk to anyone much and didn’t have any friends. One of his teacher noticed this. He called him out after class and asked, “I often see you sit silent, neither talking to anyone nor showing interest in anything. What is reason for … Read more

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