Message on Company Door – Interesting Story

Message on Company Door n Coffin - Interesting StoryOne day at a company, when all employees of office reached, they found a slip posted on the door.

With message written on it:
Yesterday that person died, who was hindering your progress in the company. A funeral has been organized in the seminar hall to pay tribute to him. Everyone is expected to be present in the tribute meeting at exactly 11 o’clock.

At first everyone was saddened to read the news of death of one of their colleagues but after sometime this curiosity started arising on all of them — After all, who was it who was hindering the progress of them and the company?

Next day, at 11 o’clock employees started coming to the seminar hall. People kept on coming and as the crowd of people was increasing, movement in the seminar hall was also increasing.

Only thing running through everyone’s mind was — Who was it after all, restraining my progress in company. In a way it’s good that he died.

As soon as tribute meeting started one by one all curious employees started approaching the coffin. As soon as person looked inside, his face would be stunned, as it they were in shock.

A mirror was kept inside that coffin. Whoever looks into it, will see his own personality in him and there was slip pasted on that mirror.

On that slip was written something which was shaking everyone’s soul:

There in only one person who is hindering your progress and that is you yourself. You are the person who can create revolution in your life. You are the person who can influence your happiness, your understanding and your success.

You are the only person who can help himself.

Your life doesn’t change when your boss changes, Your life doesn’t change when your friends change, Your life doesn’t change when your partner or partner changes, Your life changes when you “Yourself” changes.

When you cross the limits of your own beliefs, when you understand that you and only you are responsible for your life, then your life changes. The most important relationship you have with someone is your own.

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Search Keywords: Message on Company Door – Interesting Story,  Must Read Story to Motivate, Story to Share with Family and Friends, Short Story about Workplace with Best Life Lesson to Live Better Life, Person Hindering Your Progress Story to Learn About Life, Mirror of Life Story to Make You Think

1 thought on “Message on Company Door – Interesting Story”

  1. Excellent story… such a beautiful read. I like reading these stories each day for my kid. Its put in simple words with high values. Many thanks for showing a mirror 🙂


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