Meaning of King’s Dream – Choose Your Words Wisely

Meaning of King Dream - Choose Words WiselyOnce a King saw in a dream that all his teeth were broken, only a big front tooth was left in his mouth. King got greatly disturbed by such dream.

In morning, King narrated his dream to his minister and wanted to know its meaning. Ministers advised that dream experts should be called and ask about meaning of that dream.

An announcement was made in the Kingdom to call upon dream experts in kingdom and tell meaning of King’s dream and anyone who can predict it correctly will be rewarded.

After someday, a dream expert came to court and said, “My lord! I can tell you the exact meaning of your dream.”

King narrated his dream and said, “Tell me, what’s meaning of this dream?”

Dream expert with sad face said, “My lord! You dream is a sad one. This dream was an indication that all your relatives would die one by one before you.”

On hearing this, King got angry and sad and ordered his soldier to arrest dream expert immediately.

Next day, another man came to court and said, “My lord! Tell me your dream, i can tell you it’s meaning.”

King narrated his dream.

After listening to it, man thought for a while and said, “My lord! This is a good dream. You don’t need to worry. That dream meant that You will longer and more fulfilled life than any of your relatives.”

Listening to this, King became happy. He rewarded him with loads of gold coins and other gifts.

In this story, Both person told same meaning of dream yet one person was imprisoned and other was rewarded. It’s only because dream expert didn’t use chose positive words to tell meaning of dream to King where as other man used positive and right way to convey same message.

When we say something, How we say it and What words we Choose to pass that Message, Makes Great Difference to it. Always Choose Your Words Wisely.

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Search Keywords: Meaning of King Dream – Choose Words Wisely, Choose Your Words Wisely Short Moral Story, King Short Story about Think Before You Speak, Impact of Words on One’s Mind Story with Lesson, Story to Make You Think

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