Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing – Different Point of View

Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing - Different Point of ViewMaster ji was teaching in class, when sound of two children fighting with each other started coming from behind.

Listening to that, Master ji asked, “What happened? Why are you fighting like this?”

Raman said, “Sir, Mohit is adamant about his point and is not ready to listen to me.”

Mohit said, “Sir, What Raman is saying is absolutely wrong that why there is not use in listening to him.”

Saying this both started quarreling again. Master ji gestured them to come in front.

Next moment, both of them reached Master ji’s table.

Master ji asked Raman to sit on right side of table and told Mohit to sit on left side of table.

Now, Master ji took a big ball from the covered table and kept it in middle of his table.

Master ji asked, “Raman, tell me what color is this ball?”

Raman replied, “It is white.”

After this master ji asked same question to Mohit.

Mohit replied, “It is black.”

Both students were fully confident about their answers and because of this they again started arguing about color of ball.

Master ji pacified them and said, “Now, both of you change your seat and tell me again what color is ball.”

Mohit was now on right side and Raman was on left side of table. This time their answer had also changed. Raman said that the color of ball was blank and Mohit said white.

Master ji said, “Kids, this ball is made of two colors and just as it appears black when viewed from one place, it appears white and when viewed from right it appears black.

Similarly, everything in our life can be viewed from different perspectives. It is not necessary that other person views something the way you do.

So if there is ever a difference of opinion between you and other person. Do not think that other person is completely wrong, rather try to see things from his perspective and explain your perspective to him. Only then you can have a meaningful dialogue.”

Both students understood Master ji point and stopped fighting.

One should try to understand Other’s perspective and remove the Communication gap because Dialogue is only process that removes our Misunderstanding and Strengthens relationships.

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Search Keywords: Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing – Different Point of View, Story about Different Perspective, Story about Misunderstanding and Communication, Story about Different Point of View, Teacher Lesson to Student Story

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