Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories IndianOnce Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work.

When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?”

On seeing his reaction, his friend asked about content of letter.

To this Malviya ji replied, “It’s letter from Vice chancellor of Calcutta university and he has mentioned that Calcutta University is thinking of felicitating me by conferring a “Doctorate”..!!

Friend replied, “What wrong about it?? It’s a prestigious thing to get a Doctorate degree from university.. If you get this Doctorate, then it will be a prestigious thing for us and people of Varanasi.”

Malviya ji smiled and said, “My friend, you are naive.. This is not prestigious but insulting to erudite nature of Varanasi.. The Vice-chancellor of Calcutta University is desirous of taking away my Sanatan degree (of Pandit) and conferring a new degree.

Friend was speechless.

Then immediately Malviya ji wrote a reply for that letter —

“Respected Sir, Thank you for your proposal. Please do not think my reply as an insult to your proposal, but have second thoughts.

I find your proposal is meaningless. I am a Brahmin both by birth and karma. The one who lives his life by following the limitations of Brahmin Dharma, there can be no other superior degree to “Pandit”.

I would prefer being called as “Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya” to “Dr. Madan Mohan Malviya”. I hope by respecting the feeling in the mind of a Brahmin, you will let me remain “Pandit” only.”

Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya, was a proud and ardent follower of Hindu Dharma and Culture. He was as much generous, modest, humble and soft as was self-controlled, firm, self-respected and a resolute warrior.

More Hindu Culture Stories: Alexander Retreat..!!

Keyword: Madan Mohan Malviya Story – Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian, Inspiring Stories for Indian Independence Day

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