Arjuna vs Karna Skills – Lord Krishna Praise

Arjuna vs Karna Skills and Lord Krishna Praise - Deep Meaning StoryWhile Battle of Kurushetra was at it’s peak. Arjuna and Karna were fighting each other. A flurry of arrows were being exchanged and even Gods were witnessing it.

During epic battle between two warriors.

Arjuna would shoot his arrow and impact of these arrows were so much that Karna’s chariot would go back by 25-30 feet.

People who were witnessing this, were amazed by Arjuna skills.

Even Karna was no less, When he shot arrows, Arjuna’s chariot would also shake and go back by 3-4 feet.

Lord Krishna would applaud Karna every time his arrow hit Arjuna’s chariot but not once did he praised Arjuna’s for his skills.

At end of day, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna, “Oh Lord, I shot so many arrows at Karna’s chariot, it was being displaced like feather in wind but not once during that you appreciated me.

Rather you would appreciate Karna’s skill despite his arrow was just displacing my chariot a little.”

Lord Krishna replied, “Oh Arjuna, remember your chariot is protected by Hanuman, who is sitting at top of your chariots flag and me as your charioteer in front and by Sheshnag at it’s wheel.

Yet whole chariot would still sway and displace whenever Karna hit us with his arrow. Where as Karna’s chariot is not protected by such force and he is on his own and yet he fights valiantly.”

It is said that after batter was over, Krishna refused to get off chariot till Arjuna got down and Once Krishna alighted from chariot, it caught fire and turned into dust.

Then Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, “Oh Arjuna, Your chariot was destroyed by Karna a long time ago, It was i who was still protecting it from getting destroyed.”

From this Story we Learn very Deep Meaning, that is:


Never in your Life have the Arrogance to say that You have Achieved something. If you have Achieved something, it is the Divine Will, It is the Divine intervention that has always Protected you, Cleared your Path and given you the Right Opportunities at the Right Time.

Lord Krishna Stories: Lord Krishna and Karna Conversation

Search Keywords: Arjuna vs Karna Skills – Lord Krishna Praise, Shri Krishna Stories, Arrogance Story, Stories from Ancient India, Deep Meaning Story

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