Little Boy Ice Cream Tip Story – Heart Touching

Little Boy Ice Cream Tip Story - Heart TouchingA 9 year old boy went to an Ice cream shop. There he sat on table and waiter came.

Waiter: What do you want??

Boy: Can you tell me how much an ice cream cone cost??

Waiter: Rs 15/-

After knowing rate boy checked his pocket for money. After checking it he asked waiter for the cost of smaller ice cream cone.

Waiter replied: Rs12/-

After waiter’s reply boy ordered for smaller cone. He ate his ice cream and paid bill and left.

When boy left waiter came to pick up the empty plate and paid bill But as he took the paid bill tears rolled down from his eyes.

Boy paid with Rs 15 he had and had left Rs 3 as Tip..!!

We should try to Make people Happy around us with Something you Have. Sometimes even a small kind of Kindness can make someone happy.

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Search Keywords: Little Boy Ice Cream Tip Story – Heart Touching, Story about Making Others Happy, Kids Motivational Story, Short Stories about Being Kind

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