Glass of Water Stress Story

Glass of Water Stress Story - Stress Management Stories

While psychologist was teaching stress management to the class. He raised a glass of water. Seeing this everyone expected that he is going to ask, “Half Empty Hal Full..!!” But instead he asked, “How Heavy is this Glass of Water?” Many called out the answer that it ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. Now … Read more

Sand and Pebbles in Jar Story

Sand and Pebbles in Jar - Philosophical Stories for Children

A professor stood before class with items on table in front of him. When class began, He picked up a large Glass jar an started to fill it with rocks of about 2 inch in diameter. Then he asked students if the jar was full. All students agreed. Now the professor picked up a box … Read more

Wise Pandit’s Reply to Householder

Wise Poor Pandit Reply - Judging by Appearance Stories

In a village, there lived a Pandit. Despite being well-versed in all Scriptures and knowing everything he was very poor and didn’t have a house. Even getting meals for a day was very difficult for him and his clothes were worn out. Pandit used to beg for his meals, “Please give me Alms.” by going … Read more

Three Toys – Trust and Friendship Story

Teacher and Kids - Short Story About Trust And Friendship

In a Class, Teacher came in with Three toys ( all looked identical in shape, size and material ) and showed them to students. After all students saw them, she asked if they can find any difference in them. After keen observations, students observe that there were holes in all the toys. In 1st toy … Read more

Boy’s Reply to Father..!!

Boy's Reply to Father - Short Story About Son and Father

One day, While father was working his son came… Son: Papa May i ask you a question? Father: Sure Son: Papa how much money do you make an hour? Father (got upset a bit): Why do you ask such thing..!! Son: I just want to know. Please tell. Father: I make 500rs per hour. Son … Read more

Old Man And The Wooden Bowl Story..!!

The Old Man And The Wooden Bowl Story - Family Stories

An old man came to live with his son, daughter-in-law and little grandson. Old man physical condition was not very good. His hand trembled and eye sight was weak and his step faltered. The family used to ate dinner together on the table. But the old man shaky hands and weak eye sight made it … Read more

Bad Habit Short Story – Motivational

Bad Habits Short Story - Best Motivational Stories for Kids

An Old scholar got a request from a wealthy man to wean his son away from his bad habits. Scholar accepted man’s request and went to see his son. The scholar took boy for a stroll through garden. Suddenly scholar stopped and asked boy to pull out a tiny paint growing there. Obeying him boy … Read more

Father and Daughter Emotional Story..!!

Father and Daughter Story - Parents Emotional Stories

At the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on the bench of the playground. She initiated talk with the man sitting on side saying, “That’s my son over there.” pointing toward a boy wearing yellow t-shirt. “He’s a fine looking boy” man replied. He added, “That’s my daughter on the … Read more

Poor Farmer Story..!!

Poor Farmer Story - True Wealth Moral Stories in English

In a village, Sham and Ram were neighbors. Sham was a poor farmer and ram was a Landlord. Both neighbors led life totally opposite from each other. Sham used to be relaxed and happy and he never bothered to close his home windows and doors at night before going to sleep. Although he had no … Read more

Little Boy and Doll Story..!!

Little Boy and Doll Story - Emotional Heart Touching Stories

It’s a story of a Man walking around shopping store. There he saw a cashier talking to a boy who would be 5 or 6 years old. Cashier was saying to boy, “I am sorry kid but your don’t have enough money to buy this doll you want.” After listening to cashier the boy turned … Read more

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