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Here are some enlightening short stories filled with valuable lessons to refresh your soul, transform your fear into hope and trust, fill your mind and heart with positivity and inspire you to create something beautiful out of your life.

Zen Masters Stories - Bankei Yotaku Stories Compassion and Forgiveness

Zen Master Bankei Yotaku Story

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. Once during such gathering, a man was caught stealing. Whole incident was reported to Bankei. After hearing the case Bankei didn’t took any action and ignored the incident. Just after one day of previous theft same man was caught…

Facing Adversity Moral Stories - Short Stories abt Overcoming Obstacles

Facing Adversity?

Once a young women complained to her mother about how hard her life is going on and that she wanted to give up. After listening to her, her mother took her to kitchen and there she took three pots and filled them with water then she placed pots with water on fire and bring them…

Appreciating Things Stories - Beautiful Horns or Ugly Legs Lesson for Life

Beautiful Horns..!!

Once a thirsty Stag was roaming around in the forest in search of water. After a while he found a clear water lake. Stag went to lake and drank water. After drinking water while looking in water he saw his own reflection. In reflection he saw his beautiful horns. He was so happy to see…

Arrogant King Story - Wise Sage Reply Stories with Moral Lesson English

Arrogant King and Wise Sage Story

Once there was a kingdom which was ruled by a tyrant king. He was so arrogant that he couldn’t stand praise of anyone else except for himself. One time in his kingdom came a Sage. Sage admiration was spread through kingdom with in few days. He was kind and wise. He helped people by giving…

Stories about Unusual Pets - Acting Sensibly With Nature Moral Lesson

Unusual Pet – Snake.!

Once in village a man used to live alone at home. He loved animals and wanted to keep a pet for himself. One day while walking by village cross road, he saw a little poisonous snake who was searching for food. Man liked it so much that he decided to keep it as his pet….

Revenge Stories - Forgive and Forget Friendship Story, Anger Moral Story

Revenge Story – Forgive and Forget..!

Once in a city lived two friends Vikas and Deepak. They started a business venture together by investing money equally. They worked very hard and after years they earned a lot of money with that business. After sometime Vikas thought of launching a new business venture. He didn’t had enough so he persuaded Deepak to…

Gossip and Its Consequences - Rumor abt Priest Story with Moral Lesson

Gossip about Priest..!!

Once upon a time, in a village lived a priest. One day while he was yawning suddenly a small feather of bird flew into his mouth and got stuck in his throat. Priest tried to spit it out and after much try it came out. Priest was surprised on seeing a Egret’s (a kind of…

Salesman Motivational Stories - Honest Salesman Moral Stories for Kids

Salesman Honesty – Golden plate

Once upon a time, two salesman Sam and Tom came up together to far away town. They used to sell hand-made jewels. When they came to town they decided that one will sell in one part of town and other will sell in another part. Also, after one has gone through area once, other can…

Thinking Wisely Stories - Dandelions Problem Story

Thinking Wisely Stories..

Story 1: Taking Care..!! Once in an acrobats show, there was a little girl and young women. They used to perform in pair. Young lady would teach tricks to girl and little girl would learn them obediently from her. In show, their act consisted of young lady balancing a pole in her hand and little…

Family Traditions Stories - Little Girl Question Short Story to Learn abt Life

Family Tradition – Baking Fish..!

Once a little girl was sitting in kitchen watching her mother preparing fish for lunch. She saw that her mother took the fish and cut it’s head and tail before placing it into a baking pan. Little girl was curious to see this. She questioned her mother, “Ma, why did you cut the head and…

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