Soil from Heaven – Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

Soil of Heaven - Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

A man was suffering from a lot of pain at time of his death. Seeing him, many people gathered there. Just then a monk came there, people standing there asked monk to give a solution so that that dying man could be free from pain. Monk said, “If soil from heaven is brought and applied … Read more

What is Value of Life? Man Question to Buddha

What is Value of Life Man Question to Buddha

A man went to Buddha and asked, “What is value of life?” Buddha gave him a shinning stone and said, “Go to market and find out about value of this stone and come back. But remember not to sell it to anyone.” Man went to market. First he met a fruit seller and showed him … Read more

Young Man Pursuing his Goals – How to Achieve Success

Reason for Not Getting Success - Young Man Pursuing his Goals Story

A Young man once saw a very rich man and was impressed by him. So, he decided to become rich. He started working hard and soon he started earning good amount of money. Meanwhile, he met a scholar. He was surprised to see the opulence of scholar and decided to become a scholar himself. So, … Read more

Best Medicine for Anger – Saint Story

Best Medicine for Anger - Saint Story

There was a woman, who used to get angry easily. Whole family was troubled by this habit of her and because of this, there was always an atmosphere of discord in family. One day, a saint came to that woman house. Woman welcomed him and then told him about her problem. She said, “Maharaj! I … Read more

Disciple Question to Saint – How You Remain Calm All the Time?

Disciple Question to Saint - How You Remain Calm All the Time

Once upon a time, a saint was sitting in his ashram. He had a disciple who used to get angry at little things. One day disciple came to him and said, “Guru ji, you meet everyone with love neither do you get angry at anyone, how? Please tell me what is secret to this?” Saint … Read more

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

There was a college student who was always quiet in class. He didn’t talk to anyone much and didn’t have any friends. One of his teacher noticed this. He called him out after class and asked, “I often see you sit silent, neither talking to anyone nor showing interest in anything. What is reason for … Read more

Little Bird End Time – Garuda and Yama God Story

Little Bird End Time - Garuda and Yama God Story

Once Lord Vishnu’s Garuda was at Kailash. There he noticed a small bird, at same time Yama Dev (God of Death) arrived at Kailash and looked at bird with surprise. Seeing this, Garuda understood that that bird’s end was near. He felt pity and to save that bird from Yama dev, he picked up that … Read more

Needles of Clock – Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Needles of Clock - Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Ramu was fast asleep in his small room. Only ticking sound of clock was echoing in the quiet atmosphere of room. There was a clock kept on table. As soon as big needle of clock met the small needle, it said, “Hey, how are you small needle?” Small needle replied, “I am tired of walking. … Read more

Buying a Packet of Salt – Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Buying a Packet of Salt - Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Ramu was famous in entire village for his honesty and good nature. Once he invited some of his friends for dinner. His friends came early to help him to make food. While doing preparation, Ramu realized that there was no salt left to cook food. So, he called his son and giving him money, he … Read more

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow? Disciple Question to His Guru

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow Disciple Question to His Guru

Once a disciple went to his Guru and said, “Please tell me some solution to get rid of sorrow.” The disciple had asked a big question in few words – Living in a world of sorrows but also finding a way to get rid of it! Guru said, “I will answer you but before that … Read more

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