King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

Once a King went to visit the city. On way, he saw a small child whispering something into the ears of clay toys and then breaking them and mixing them with the rest of soil. King asked in surprised, “What are you doing?” Kid replied, “I ask clay toys, have you ever chanted name of … Read more

Is Evil Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

Evil is Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

One day, a professor asked his students, “Whatever exists in this world, God has created it.. Right?” Everyone said, “Yes.” Professor said, “This means that even evil is created by God.” When professor said this, a student stood up and said, “Sir, don’t reach this conclusion so quickly.” Professor said, “Why? Everyone agreed that everything … Read more

Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

A man crossed a river and saw an old man sitting there. He went to old man and asked, “How far is city from here?” Old man replied, “Not too far.” Man asked, “I have heard that city gates get closed as the sun sets. It’s almost evening now. Will i reach there?” Old man … Read more

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour – Saint Solution

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour - Saint Solution

In a village, lived a man who was troubled by his neighbour for long time. He was very upset with him. One day, a saint came to village. Man went to him and all about his problem with his neighbour and then said, “Baba, it has been long time since my neighbour had troubled me. … Read more

Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story

Who is Giver Two Beggars and King Story

Long ago, in a city lived two beggars Kripal and Jagat. Every morning, they both would go to King’s palace for alms. Kripal would go there and call out saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.” Where as Jagat would go there and call out saying, “Giver is King, he will get me … Read more

Man Question to Buddha – Why There is No Change in Me?

Man Question to Buddha - Why Still There is No Change in Me

Buddha used to give discourse on river bank. Many people used to come to listen to him. Everyone listened to him very attentively. A person used to come daily from far away to listen to Buddha’s discourse. One day, after discourse ended, he went to Buddha and said, “I listen to your teachings everyday but … Read more

Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Once a Political leader heard about a saint. So he decided to visit him once to see why people praise him so much. When he went to that ashram, he saw that there was a small room where carpet was spread and some people were sitting there on carpet. Saint was sitting in front. People … Read more

Who Knows If It’s a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Who Knows If It's a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Once, in a village lived an old man who was poor but had a very beautiful white horse. Old man was envied by many because of that horse. One day, King saw that horse and sent his minister to buy the horse. Minister came to old man’s house and offered a very good price for … Read more

Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

Young Man Desire to Get Fame – Sage Advice to Young Man

Young Man Desire to Get Fame - Sage Advice to Young Man

Long ago there was a young man who always used to visit Sages and Yogis. Once he stayed with a yogi and pleased with his service Yogi said, “If you have any wish, i can fulfil it.” Young man wanted to gain fame. He said, “I want to become powerful. I want to know the … Read more

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