The King’s Treasure – A Powerful Lesson on Life and Wealth

The King’s Treasure – A Powerful Lesson on Life and Wealth

The Story of a Greedy King and His Fate Once upon a time, there was a king obsessed with wealth. Over the years, he collected immense riches and, fearing theft or rebellion, hid his treasure in a secret underground chamber deep within the forest. Only two keys existed—one with the king himself and the other … Read more

How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries – Father Son Story

How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries - Father Son Story

There was a man who had been under stress for quite some time, which had made him irritable and easily angered. He was constantly bothered by thoughts that he had to bear all the expenses of the house, that the entire responsibility of his family rested on him, that there was always some relative coming … Read more

Soul Way to Heaven – Buddha Teaching

Soul Way to Heaven - Buddha Teaching

This story is from the time of Gautama Buddha. In those days, special rituals were performed after death to ensure the soul’s entry into heaven. One such ritual involved placing small stones in an earthen pot, performing prayers and offerings, and then striking the pot with a metal object. If the pot broke and the … Read more

Who is Greater Fool? Story about Truth of Life

Who is Greater Fool Story about Truth of Life

There was a devout seeker named Gyan Chand. He was always engrossed in devotion to God. His daily routine included waking up early in the morning, engaging in worship, prayers, and meditation. After this, he would go to work at his shop. During lunchtime, he would close the shop and not reopen it for the … Read more

Meeting God – Little Boy Heart Touching Story

Meeting God - Little Boy Heart Touching Story

A 6-year-old little boy often insisted on meeting God. He didn’t know much about God but was filled with a strong desire to meet Him. His wish was to sit and eat a meal with God. One day, he packed 5-6 flatbreads in a bag and set out to find God. He walked a long … Read more

What is Absolutely Useless? Disciple and Guru Story

What is Absolutely Useless Disciple and Guru Story

A young man went to a sage fo knowledge, after attaining knowledge, disciple wanted to give something to give to his Guru in return. Disciple went to his Guru to ask for anything, he would like to take as Gurudakshina. Guru said, “I will take something which is absolute useless.” Disciple set out in search … Read more

Buddha Response to Man Who Spit on Him!!

Buddha Response to Man Who Spit on Him!!

One morning, a man who used to be Buddha disciple, came to Buddha and spit on him. Buddha wiped his face with cloth and said to man, “Do you have anything else to say?” Monk who was sitting nearby was filled with anger and said to Buddha, “What are you saying?” Buddha said, “As far … Read more

Father and Son Race to Hilltop – Pebbles in Shoes

Father and Son Race to Hilltop - Pebbles in Shoes

A ten-year-old boy used to go on walk with his father every day, on a nearby hill. One day boy said, “Dad, let’s have a race today, one who touches top of hill first, wins the race.” Father agreed. Both of them started running toward hilltop. After running for some time, father suddenly stopped. Boy … Read more

Saint Lesson to Man – Words Matters or Not?

Saint Lesson to Man - Words Matters or Not

Once a saint was giving a discourse. Everyone was listening attentively. Suddenly a person stood up and said, “What is there in words? Words doesn’t matter.” Saint tried to make him understand about importance of words, but person kept giving illogical arguments. Then suddenly saint said to that man, “You are a fool, you have … Read more