King Stuck in Difficult Situation – Monk Advice

King Stuck in Difficult Situation - Monk AdviceOnce a Monk was pleased with service of King.

Before leaving, he gave King a tails man and said, “Always keep it with you and whenever such a situation comes in life, you feel everything is going to end now, if you feel yourself trapped, when there is despair and frustration, then you open this tails man and only then you should open this…”

King thanked Monk and wore that tails man around his neck.

Once King went hunting with his soldiers in forest. While chasing a lion, King got separated from his soldiers and entered enemy territory.

Soldiers of enemy noticed King and started pursuing him. King tried to get away from them but even trying, he could not get rid of those soldiers.

Lost King suffering from hunger and thirst, saw a cave in middle of forest and went inside and hid himself there.

He sat down holding his breath, sound of feet of enemy’s horses slowly started coming closer. Alone surrounded by enemies, King started to think of it as his end.

He felt that in just few moments, enemies would catch him and kill him.

He was disappointed with life, that his hand went to his talisman and he remembered the words of the monk. He immediately opened the talisman and took out the paper and read it!

It was written on that slip – “This too will pass.”

Suddenly, King felt an indescribable peace in his soul. He thought, “This dreadful time would also pass, then why should be i be worried.” Having faith in God and himself, he stayed there.

In sometime, sound of feet of enemy’s horses started going away while coming closer and soon there was peace. King came out of cave in night and somehow came back to his kingdom.

Similarly in Life, we all get so caught in the pressure of situation, work, stress that we do not understand anything, our fear starts dominating us and solution is not visible far and wide, it seems that everything is over..

When this happens, sit quietly for 2 mins, take few deep breaths and remember – This too will Pass Away..!

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Search Keywords: King Stuck in Difficult Situation – Monk Advice, Story to Encourage One to Go Through Tough Times, Story for Difficult Times, Short Story to Motivate One to Keep Fighting, Monk and King Story, Short Story to Share

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