It’s Up to Us What We Chose

Short Stories with Moral - Story Good Vs Bad with MoralAn old Chief and his grandson were sitting near lake. There grandfather was trying to teach his grandson life lessons.

So he told young boy, “A fight is going on inside me. A terrible fight between two wolves.”

Chief continued, “One wolf is Evil, full of anger, sorrow, greed, pity and self pride. The other wolf is Good, full of joy, peace, love, kindness and faith.”

“Son, this great fight is going on inside of you and every person on this earth.”

Now chief got silent for moment. Suddenly grandchild asked him, “WHO WON THE FIGHT?”

The old man smiled and said, “THE ONE YOU FEED.”

We all go through situations were we have to chose between right and wrong. It’s up to us what we chose.

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Search Keywords: It’s Up to Us What We Chose – Two Wolves Story about Good Vs Bad with Moral, Motivational Short Story with Deep Meaning for Life

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