The King’s Treasure – A Powerful Lesson on Life and Wealth

The King’s Treasure – A Powerful Lesson on Life and Wealth

The Story of a Greedy King and His Fate Once upon a time, there was a king obsessed with wealth. Over the years, he collected immense riches and, fearing theft or rebellion, hid his treasure in a secret underground chamber deep within the forest. Only two keys existed—one with the king himself and the other … Read more

Cobbler’s Test of Kindness – God Story

Cobbler’s Test of Kindness - God Story

The cobbler’s shop was small, and his earnings were modest. He had only a few utensils at home, yet he lived a content life. He was honest, kind, and always ready to help others. To test his devotion, God decided to visit him. One night, cobbler had a dream in which God spoke to him, … Read more

How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries – Father Son Story

How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries - Father Son Story

There was a man who had been under stress for quite some time, which had made him irritable and easily angered. He was constantly bothered by thoughts that he had to bear all the expenses of the house, that the entire responsibility of his family rested on him, that there was always some relative coming … Read more

Meeting God – Little Boy Heart Touching Story

Meeting God - Little Boy Heart Touching Story

A 6-year-old little boy often insisted on meeting God. He didn’t know much about God but was filled with a strong desire to meet Him. His wish was to sit and eat a meal with God. One day, he packed 5-6 flatbreads in a bag and set out to find God. He walked a long … Read more

Put the Camel on Roof! Guru and Disciple Relation

Put the Camel on Roof! Story about Guru and Disciple Relation

A Guru had two disciples. One was named Gora and other was named Kala. Guru was more attached to Kala. A person who used to visit Guru ji regularly for his blessing, asked him, “Guru ji, Gora does all the work in ashram. Yet you give so much importance to Kala, why?” Guru said, “Tomorrow … Read more

Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Early morning, a boy used to go for a run. During his run he would pass by a pond. Somedays, he used to see an old lady, cleaning back of small turtles living at that pond. Boy saw her many times and started wondering what could be the reason. So, one day, boy went to … Read more

Difference in Farmers Thinking and Their Wish to God

Long ago, in a village, lived two farmers who were poor. Both used to live with their family and had little piece of land, on which they used to work and earn their living. Suddenly, both died at same time, on same day. Yamraj (God of Death) took them both in front of God. God … Read more

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

An old woman used to sell oranges on road side. A young man used to buy oranges from her. Whenever, young man bought oranges, he would pick one orange from oranges he bought, taste a piece of it and would say to old woman, “It doesn’t taste sweet..” Saying this, he would give that orange … Read more

Rich Man Offering to Saint – Heart Warming Story

Rich Man Offering to Saint - Heart Warming Story

Once in a village, lived a saint in his ashram with his disciples. Many people used to come to him to listen to his satsang. Once a Rich man went to Saint and said, “Guru ji, Please accept my service. Here are thousand gold coins, may they all be of use to you.” As soon … Read more