Husband Wife and Dirty Window..!

Human Nature Short Stories - Husband Wife n Dirty Window Short StoriesOnce a married couple moved to a new home. Next morning, just after waking up wife looked through window and saw that a women in neighboring home was hanging out washed linen clothes to dry.

After wife saw this she said to her husband, “Dear, look at those dirty clothes that women is hanging there to dry.”

Husband didn’t paid attention and continued to read his newspaper.

Another day again when wife saw neighbor doing same, she said to husband, “May be her soap is bad or she doesn’t know how to wash clothes. Even after washing her clothes seems so dirty.”

for few days, whenever wife saw that neighboring women dry clothes, she would be surprised by how dirty it was. One day she said, “We ought to teach her how to wash clothes.”

Still Husband didn’t say anything about it.

One morning when she woke up and looked through the window. She screamed with surprise look on her face and said, “Oh!! Today cloths seems so clean. Probably that neighboring women learned to wash it at last..”

“No, it’s not her. Today i just woke up bit earlier and washed up our window..” replied husband.

Sometimes we need to Understand that it could be our views that are not letting us see clearly. We should not judge person without clearing our Thoughts and understanding all about situation.

More Interesting Stories: Secret to Happy Married Life..!

Keywords: Human Nature Short Stories – Husband Wife n Dirty Window Short Story, Understanding Other’s Point of View Story with Moral

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