How to Donate – Boy’s Donation

How to Donate Stories - God Loves Cheerful Giver Beautiful Short StoryOnce in a city lived a man with his family. He was very religious and used to teach his son everything he knew about religion and it’s importance and was bringing up his son as perfectly as possible.

Man decided to test, what his son has learned until now.

One day when they were going to church man gave his son two coins: One rupee and ten rupee.

Man said to him, “You can chose what coin you want to put in donation plate. Would it be one rupee coin or ten. After donation you can keep other coin for yourself.”

Man hoped that his son would put ten rupee coin in donation plate as he had been brought up in such a way – he could be expected to, relied upon.

After they reached church, man waited outside for his son to come after making donation. He was very curious to know what happened, what his son chose.

When son came out he asked, “What did you donate?”

Boy told his father that he has donated one rupee coin and kept ten rupee coin for himself.

Man couldn’t believe it.

He questioned his son, “Why? Why did you do this? We have always been inculcating great principles in you. I always told you that we should donate more.”

Boy replied, “When i walked in church, Priest was saying – ‘God loveth a cheerful donator’. I could donate one rupee cheerfully not ten rupee.”

God loves Cheerful giver. Amount

doesn’t matter. It is immaterial, the real coin that you are giving to God is you Cheerfulness.

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Search Keywords: How to Donate Stories – God Loves Cheerful Giver Beautiful Short Story, Important Life Lesson for Adults about Donating at Religious Places

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