Way to be Happy Always

How to be Happy Always - How to Make Peace with Yourself Short StoryIn a small village lived a man name Ram who was kind and always happy. He used to smile always and had kind and encouraging words to say, whenever it was necessary. Everyone who met him, left feeling better and happier and elated.

One of his neighbor always saw him. He saw that lots of people came to meet him yet Ram never got angry on anyone or had fight with anyone he met.

Neighbor thought to himself, “How he could always be so kind and helpful. How is it that he held no grudge toward anyone, and always was happy.”

So he got curious and wanted to know his secret for being happy always.

Once upon meeting him, he couldn’t keep his curiosity and asked, “Most people are selfish and unsatisfied. They do not smile as often as you do, neither are they as helpful or kind as you are. How do you explain it?”

Ram smiled and replied, “When you make peace with yourself, you can be in peace with rest of the world. If you can recognize spirit in yourself and in everyone then you will find it natural to be kind and well disposed to all.

If your thoughts are under your control, you can become strong and firm.

Human personality is like a robot programmed to do certain task. Habits and Thoughts are tools and programs that control one’s personality. Become free from being programmed then inner goodness and happiness that resides with in a person will reveal.”

After listening all this neighbor questioned, “But its too much work. Good habits have to be developed and ability to control thoughts has to be strengthened which is difficult and endless. It is not an easy task.”

Ram replied, “Don’t think about difficulties. Just quieten your feelings and thoughts and try to stay in peace. Don not let yourself to be carried away by thoughts.”

“Is that all?”, neighbor questioned.

Man continued, “Try to watch your thoughts and see how they come and go. Stay in quietness, moment of peace will be brief at first but in time they will get longer.

In time, you will realize that you are one with the Universal Power and this will lead you to act from a different dimension – point of view – consciousness, not from the selfish, small, limited ego. Peace will also strength power, kindness and love.”

“I will try to remember your words but there is one more thing i am curious about.”, said neighbor.

“What is it?”, asked Ram.

Neighbor questioned, “You do not seem to be influenced by environment. You have kind words for everyone. Do people never exploit your goodness?”

“Being good and kind doesn’t necessarily point to weakness. When you are good, you can also be strong. People sense your inner strength and therefore, do not impose on you.

When you are strong and calm inside, you help people because you can and you want to. You act from strength, not from weakness. Goodness is not a sign of weakness, as some people erroneously think. It can manifest together with power and strength.”, Ram replied

Neighbor understood secret to man’s happiness and thanked him for everything.

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Keywords: How to be Happy Always – How to Make Peace with Yourself Short Story. Kindness is Not Weakness Stories with Life Lesson

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