How to be at Peace? Seth and His Friend Conversation

How to be at Peace Seth and His Friend ConversationThere was a very Seth (rich man). One day he was sitting with his friends, when a maid came running to him and said, “Seth ji, your wife’s necklace worth nine lakh rupees is lost.”

Seth replied, “It’s good.”

Friend who was sitting with him thought, “What a careless man he is.”

An hour passed, when maid came again and said, “Seth ji, that necklace had been found.

Seth replied, “It’s good.”

Seeing this, his friend asked, “When necklace was lost, you said it’s good. when you got necklace back, you said it’s good.. Why so?”

Seth replied, “When i lost necklace, should i lose my peace too? No. One day i have to leave everything, so if i leave a little bit from now on, it will be easier in end.

At end, if is have to give up suddenly then it will be a big problem. One should learn to give charity, so that you can learn to leave things before your end time comes.

There are many benefits of donation. Money get used for good cause and it increases your virtue and letting go become a habit. Such habit protects you from sorrow.

When necklace was found.. maid was happy, my wife was happy, her friends were happy. So many people were happy. So, it’s good.

Things may come or go. Why should i make my heart sad.

I know that Whatever happens, happens for good. Whatever happened is good, whatever happening is good, whatever happens in future will for good. This is the only truth.

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Search Keywords: How to be at Peace? Seth and His Friend Conversation, Inspiring Story for Adults, Learning Stories for Better Life, Life Truth Story, Why Lose Peace with Lose of Thing Short Story, Rich Man Perspective about Happiness and Sadness Story

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