Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story

Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees StoryOnce Narad ji came to earth, while roaming around he meet two devotees, one was scholar who had knowledge about God and other was cobbler.

When Narad ji reached Vaikuntha, curious he asked about time of those two to return to God head.

God said, “Cobbler will come to me after this birth only but Scholar you are talking about have still to go through many births to reach me.”

Narad ji was confused to listen to this.

Before Narad ji could asked, God said, “You will know the reason. You go to earth and meet them. When you meet them you must tell them that when you meet me, i was taking out an elephant from the eye of a needle.”

Narad ji returned to earth and first went to meet Scholar.

Scholar welcomed him and while talking he asked Narad ji about God.

At this Narad ji said, “God was taking out an elephant from the eye of needle.”

Scholar replied, “But that’s not possible.”

It did not take long got Narad ji to understand that this person did not have complete faith in God. He merely had bookish knowledge.

Then Narad ji went to cobbler and while talking he said same thing to cobbler.

Cobbler smiled and said, “God is amazing. He can do everything.”

Narad ji asked, “Do you believe that God can take out elephant from eye of a needle?”

Cobbler replied, “Why not? I have full faith. Nothing is impossible for God.

You see i am sitting under this banyan tree, which bear many fruits. In every seed to those fruits, a banyan tree is contained, just like this one. If such big tree can be contained in such small seed. If God can keep all worlds floating in space by his divine power.

How difficult can it be for God to take elephant out of an eye of needle.”

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Search Keywords: Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story, Interesting Story about Faith, God Short Stories, Indian Stories, Story to Share with Family and Friends, Motivational Story, Story for Spiritual Enlightenment, Short Story about God and his Devotees

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