Grasshopper And Ants Story..!!

Grasshopper And Ants Story - Hard work motivational storiesOne sunny day in winter, a Grasshopper was enjoying the warm sunlight but he was feeling very hungry. So, he was looking around to find something to eat but he could find anything to eat. Suddenly he saw ants carrying their food to their hole.

After seeing this for a while he went up to the ants and asked, “Can you give me some grains as i am very hungry and haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.”

One of the ants said, “We worked whole summer to collect the food for winter. What were you doing whole summer? Why didn’t you store up food for winters?”

Grasshopper replied, “I spent all summer singing and hooping so i couldn’t store anything.”

Then ant chucked out a smile and remarked, “then dance the winter away.”

Grasshopper went away hungry and sad.

Work is Worship. We should work hard for better future.

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