Missing Goat Number 3 – You Looking for it too?

Missing Goat Number 3 - You Looking for it too?

In class 5, there were two very mischievous children Ravi and Laksh who used to go to school together. One day, Ravi said to Laksh, “Bro, i have an idea.. so that we don’t have to attend classes tomorrow.” Laksh asked curiously, “Tell me.. What’s the idea?” Ravi pointed toward a direction and said, “Look … Read more

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager!

Clever Old Lady Bet with Bank Manager Funny Story

Once an old lady came to biggest bank of city and said that she wanted to deposit some money in the bank. When staff asked how much, old lady replied that she wanted to deposit around 10lakhs but asked to meet bank manager before depositing her money. Manager came cleared her queries. Then while talking … Read more

Painter and Rich Lady Portrait Story – Smart Thinking

Painter and Rich Lady Portrait Story - Smart Thinking

In city lived a very famous painter, he was known for his work and wise nature. He had one intern who used to live with him and learn painting. One day a rich lady visited him with her dog and asked him to paint a portrait of herself with her dog. Painter agreed. After a … Read more

Cunning Landlord and His Servant

Cunning Landlord and His Servant - Funny Interesting Reply

Once a farmer bought a roasted chicken and a bottle of fresh fruit juice as gift to his landlord. Landlord wanted to send these things to his home, so he called his servant. Landlord was cunning and didn’t want his servant to know about food. So while giving him those things he said, “Take these … Read more

Husband Wife Short Stories..!

Wife Response to Drunk Husband - Funny Story

Story 1: Man’s Search for Perfect Wife..! Once lived a man who remained unmarried his whole life. When he was ninety years old and dying, someone asked him, “You have remained unmarried your whole life but you never said what reason was. Now you are dying, if your secret is known it won’t harm you.” … Read more

Pilot and Photographer – Interesting Funny Short Stories

Pilot and Photographer - Interesting Funny Short Stories

Story 1: Pilot and Photographer Story..! Young man John was told that a plane would be waiting at airport for him. After arriving at airport, he spotted a plane warming up outside hanger. John went there, jumped in and said, “Let’s go.” Pilot taxied and took off. Once in air, John said to pilot, “Fly … Read more

Wife’s Smart Solution to Problem – Funny Interesting Story

Wife's Smart Solution to Problem - Funny Interesting Story

Once in a village lived a kind-hearted man Shyam with his wife Madhu. Although poor, he was generous man. Everyday he would bring guest home, for lunch. Often, couple would go hungry after serving guests. Madhu tried to tell her husband that it was difficult to feed guests, when they were themselves are struggling to … Read more

King Demand’s and Clever Story Teller..!

King Demand and Clever Story Teller - Witty and Clever Thinking

Once upon a time, there was a King who was fond of stories. Many story tellers used to come to his court and tell him many stories. He would reward them with gold and gifts. One day, King asked his minister that next story teller must tell him a long story – a never ending … Read more

Number of Apples? – Teacher Student Story

Number of Apples - Teacher Student Story with Moral abt Different Perspective

Once a Math teacher was teaching to class of six years old. She asked a boy, “If i give you one apple and one apple and one more apple then how many apples will you have?” With in seconds boy confidently replied, “Four.” Dismayed teacher was expecting an effortless answer – Three. She thought may … Read more

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