Horse Race Challenge to Raman – Secret to Success

Horse Race Challenge to Raman - Secret to Success

Once an Arab who used to sell horse came to Vijayanagar from Persia with ship of horses. Many people in King’s court used to buy horses from Arabia. One day, Raman said that horses of Vijayanagar were better than horses from Arabia. Listening to this, ministers in court, who bought horses from Arab, challenged Raman … Read more

Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper..! – Tricky Gifts Story

Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper - Tricky Gifts Story Japanese Folktales

Once in a Japanese village, lived an old man with his two sons. Old man always wanted to have daughters. He waited eagerly for his sons to grow up so that he can get them married. At last, both his son got married. Old man was affectionate towards both his daughter-in-laws and girls loved and … Read more

Raman’s Challenge to Wrestler..!

Raman's Challenge to Wrestler - Witty and Funny Short Folktales from Ancient India

Once Raja Krishndeva, got angry with Tenali Raman and ordered him not to show his face. One day, while walking, Raman saw that a tall, fat man being carried by four man. Procession was heading to palace. It was Procession of a Wrestler from north who went to palace and called on King, “I am … Read more

What No Other Cat Could Do – Cat’s Competition

What No Other Cat Could Do - Cat's Competition

Once in court of King Krishnadevraya, intelligence of animals were being discussed. One minister said, “Cats are most intelligent.” Other agreed and all started to describe how clever their own cats were. Each claimed that their own cat was smartest. King decided to hold competition for cats and announced, “Cat that does something which no … Read more

Tenali Raman Challenge to Weight Lifter

Tenali Raman Challenge to Weight Lifter - Witty and Clever Thinking

Once Tenali Raman and his wife were on their way to Capital of Vijaya nagar. On way, they were passing by a village at foot of a hill. There they saw that villagers had gathered on front of village temple. They became curious and pushed through crowd to see what’s happening. They saw that a … Read more

Tongue Cut Sparrow and Greedy Old Woman

Tongue Cut Sparrow - Japanese Folktales abt Greed

Once upon a time, lived a an old couple. Old man was kind hearted. He had kept a young sparrow, which he tenderly nurtured. Where as old woman was cross-grained old thing and didn’t liked sparrow and always treated it badly. One day, When sparrow had pecked at some paste with which old woman was … Read more

The Stonecutter and his Wishes..!

Stonecutter and his Wishes - Japanese Folktales about Desires

Once upon a time, lived a stonecutter, who would go to big mountain everyday and cut out slabs for houses. He was a very careful workman and had plenty of customers. For long he was happy and content. In mountains dwelt a spirit which appeared to stonecutter and asked him if he want anything. At … Read more

Mulla Nasruddin and his Neighbor’s Prank

Mulla Nasruddin and his Neighbors Prank - Clever Thinking Story

Once Mulla Nasruddin’s wife got worried because her husband didn’t earn a living. This worried her alot and she wanted that her husband should work and earn a living. One day, She went to Mulla and started questioning about it, which soon became an argument. Wife angrily said, “Why can’t you earn a living like … Read more

Two Brothers and Goblins Story – Korean Folktale

Two Brother's and Goblins Story - Korean Folktale abt Greediness

Once upon a time, there were two brothers who used to live together but were very different. Older brother was spoiled and lazy where as younger brother Chun was hardworking and worked as woodcutter. Younger brother used to work day and night, he would go to forest to gather wood and then make earning by … Read more

Angulimala Enlightenment Story – Buddha Teaching

Angulimala Enlightenment Story - Buddha Teaching

Long ago, there was man who was a mad murderer. He had taken vow that he would kill one thousand people. Because society hadn’t treated him well, He had decided to take revenge on society by killing one thousand man and from every person killed he would take one finger and make a rosary around … Read more

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